Bonnie’s Diary April ’08 (part 2)
The second part of Bonnie’s April diary sees her eagerly awaiting her latest CT scan results amongst dealing with some not-so-nice side effects including tiredness and a few crazy dreams! The race for life fund is steadily rising as Bonnie prepares her costume for the big day and tries to focus on some positive times ahead including coming off medication and sailing with the CLIC Sargent team. A call from the hospital informing of a drop in Bonnie’s haemoglobin means an impromptu blood transfusion, a process which she advises is best endured with lots of magazines and a tempting selection of comfort food! Bonnie also explains how she is experiencing a host of different and new emotions as her body shape begins to change and sickness prevails. Never one to stay down for long though, Bonnie manages to fit in a lively ballet lesson with friends….even if it does mean another early night!