Patients Vicki and Kenny talk about how important the Leeds Teenage Cancer Trust Unit has been to them during their cancer diagnosis and beyond.
Ovarian Cancer (29 films)
Featured Films
18 year old Rebecca had treatment at Birmingham’s YPU but once she finished treatment Rebecca explains how she felt there was nothing left to fight for and felt like she didn’t really know how to move on from cancer. Rebecca […]
Rebecca Handy Vlog 1
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
How does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present & potential partners?
2014’s One Week in Cancer kicks off at Teenage Cancer Trust’s Find your sense of Tumour Conference. This is the first of 7 films which throughout one week, follows 20 young people through different stages of their cancer journeys, whether during […]
One Week in Cancer 2014 – Monday
Michelle wanted to feel like a teenager, as she was diagnosed even before she started high school. She missed out on all the activities her friends were doing, making her feel isolated.
Michelle – Massachusetts
Kalina was only 22 when she was diagnosed, and she was almost relieved that she had an explanation for why she was feeling sick. She remembers being unable to move after her first surgery, which affected her as she was […]
Kalina – Utah
Beckii talks about how her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was affected by Beckii’s cancer diagnosis. Beckii talks about being cancer free and how she now deals with new relationships including her boyfriend Louis.
Dating my best friend
An incredibly emotive film from Beckii as she tells us how she’s recently lost a close friend from the Young Person’s Unit where she was treated. Beckii bravely takes us through many feelings that she’s currently experiencing. If you’re finding yourself […]
Dealing with grief
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
How does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present & potential partners?
It’s been a while since we last heard from Beckii..
A Quick Update
It’s been a year since Stephen Sutton passed away. Friend Beckii talks about Stephen and the legacy that he has left.
“I Would like To Say Thank You Stephen”
Beckii is back and she’s giving us an update on what’s been happening in her life. Beckii talks about how she’s started university but it’s harder than she thought but she’s really enjoying it. Beckii also talks about how her long […]
Catching Up with Beckii
Filmed and edited by Beckii herself. 27th January 2015 was a very special day for Beckii as it marked three years that Beckii was told she had no evidence of cancer! #ThreeCheersFor3Years
Three Cheers For 3 Years!
Filmed as part of JTV Cancer Support’s One Week In Cancer 2014. Final part of Rebecca’s week. Rebecca talks about how she still suffers from tiredness and how she tries to help this by doing more exercise. Rebecca also talks about […]
My Week with Rebecca Handy – Part Three
Filmed as part of JTV Cancer Support’s One Week In Cancer 2014. We are back with Rebecca to see what else she’s getting up to during her week. Rebecca talks about getting back into work during/after cancer including keeping up her paper […]
My Week with Rebecca Handy – Part Two
Filmed as part of JTV Cancer Support’s One Week In Cancer 2014. Rebecca talks about returning from Teenage Cancer Trust’s Find Your Sense of Tumour and how she’s off out with her “yellows” otherwise known as her fellow cancer patients.