Back in September 2012 Japeth was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Japeth talks about how he coped through cancer with the help of his family, friends, girlfriend and tv shows.
Back in September 2012 Japeth was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. Japeth talks about how he coped through cancer with the help of his family, friends, girlfriend and tv shows.
We join Muznibin on his second video diary and this time Muznibin has got a high temperature and a chest infection whilst receiving his chemotherapy at UCLH, but it’s not long until chat turns to the now infamous spot-gate as […]
Time to hear about possible cancer treatments that might happen during a young person’s treatment plan. Here we meet Peter, Jen and Lucie who discuss their experiences of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.
It’s been seven years since Katie was first diagnosed with CML, Katie discusses why she feels it’s important to remember her cancerversary and talks about her upcoming big decision, whether to try a new chemotherapy drug which understandably Katie has […]
Sam talks to us about his diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and how he has dealt with the treatment so far. Sam gives tips on taking tablets as well as talking about how it has affected his education and family.
Madison and Holly talk about their own experience of cancer and how they became friends.
Will’s diagnosis came very quick. He felt he was removed from his life and placed in the hospital. He was one of the oldest patients in the hospital, and there were many young children around him. Will has a very […]
Tiara was diagnosed at 23, and her first few weeks were difficult because she was dependent on other people for just simple tasks. She liked to visit places where people didn’t know she had cancer. Tiara found it hard to […]
Steven talks about how he felt isolated, as his friends and people his age could not understand his experience. He missed out on his teenage life, and found it difficult to make friends in the hospital. However, he bonded with […]
Steven remembers his diagnosis being very fast and he felt overwhelmed. He reached out to some of his school friends when he felt alone, which made him realise who he could rely on. He learnt that he would have to […]
Sam remembers having to be taken care of all the time during his treatment, and he missed a lot during his teenage years. He wanted to be treated as an adult during his treatment, and he sees his experience as […]
Rachelle was experiencing pain for a while before she was told about her diagnosis. She struggled to understand her condition at first. She believes she was blessed to have the time to see how she needed to change her life; […]
Patrick’s diagnosis was very quick and unexpected. He decided to stay positive throughout his treatment, and followed his doctor’s advice very strictly. He missed spending time with his brothers and doing normal things, and initially felt out of place when […]
Nicole remembers the hardest part of her diagnosis was being unable to live a “normal” teenage life. She missed out on what her friends were doing whilst she was having her treatment, which was very hard for her.
Natalie used to believe she was invisible before she was diagnosed. She was separated from her friends, as a very social teenager, which she found very difficult. She was 18 in a children’s hospital, and made friends with people much […]
Nada remembers that her hair loss was a key moment in her treatment journey. She was the oldest person having treatment in her hospital, which meant she didn’t have people her age to talk to. Nada moved schools, as she […]