Here we are introduced properly to Anthony, a university student who was diagnosed with cancer whilst still studying away from home. Anthony highlights the good points of having cancer when a brand new, shiny free laptop arrives for him- not something you get in the post everyday! To give us an insight into what life is like, Anthony gives us a tour of his halls of residence, where his roommates, mostly guys, are cooking up a storm…. even if it doesn’t look very appetising! Anthony stops to talk to various friends, who talk about what it felt like to find out Anthony had been diagnosed at such a young age and how it’s made them realise it could happen to anybody, no matter how old you are. The sun is shining as we get a lovely tour around Brighton pier and the surrounding beach, before its time to go back to school as Anthony takes a visit to the school room in the hospital, where, surprisingly everyone is really eager to learn!

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