Faye had to spend three days in isolation on Christie’s Young Oncology Unit, somewhere were she was used to seeing as an outpatient but not as an inpatient. Faye explains the difference between being treated on an adult ward to being treated on an age appropriate ward, the main difference being all the mod-cons but Faye liked how all the staff saw her as a person first not as a patient. Faye’s overall treatment lasted three months and she managed to return back to university the following September to complete her third year and graduate with a 2:2 in Chemistry.



  • Hello Faye,
    I myself have just been diagnosed with papillary cancer of the thyroid.
    I have not yet had my operation, and the doctors have all said the same to me about the 98% survival rate etc!
    I’m 17 years old, and if youre interested i would like to speak to you about it!
    My email is lottiecarr@yahoo.co.uk

    I’m glad you are fully recovered now!

    Lauren x

    p.s. is your scar from the routine surgery? And do you take thyroid replacement hormone tablets now?

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