Here we get to see a friendship come together in the name of body image issues! Peter and Zara both had different cancers at different times in their lives, both treated at different hospitals but one thing they both have […]
FYSOT (290 films)
“Find Your Sense of Tumour” is an annual event where young people affected by cancer from across the country meet up to socialise with other young people going through cancer and attend informational talks from other cancer patients, professionals and other inspiring people.
- Teenage Cancer Trust (444)
- Education – Let's Talk About It (9)
- Fundraising (17)
- FYSOT (290)
- Royal Albert Hall (65)
Fans of previous FYSOT fertility talks will notice that Allan Pacey is doing things slightly different this year…he’s got two guest speaker with him, Steph Hayter and Chris Stone who share their experience of having cancer and fertility issues that […]
FYSOT ’12 – Fertility
Ever wondered what life is like after cancer? Well, Lucia speaks openly and honestly about the struggles that she has experienced since becoming cancer free. Lucia tells of how her hair was a massive part of her body image issues, […]
FYSOT ’12 – Life after cancer
It’s time to don your white gloves again as RJC Dance take us through some more glowing dance moves!
FYSOT ’12 – RJC Dance Sunday
Dr Helen Hatcher takes to the FYSOT stage to talk about all the benefits exercise can have not only during your treatment, after your treatment but how exercise can also help towards the symptoms of fatigue.
FYSOT ’12 – Exercise through cancer
When Matt was 20 years old his life was all about university, booze and football not thinking about the possibility of getting cancer but it was after Matt hurt his ankle during a football match that a scan and a […]
FYSOT ’12 – Matt Woollias
Question time with the professionals as Bill Badham, Dr Jeremy Whelan, Professor Sir Mike Richards CBE, Dr Louise Jordan, Tom Grew, Simon Davies & Sara Hiom take to the FYSOT stage to answer all those important questions that the audience […]
FYSOT ’12 – Delays in Diagnosis Professional Panel
Time to get your groove on as the fabulous RJC Dance pop on their dancing gloves to show FYSOT an illuminated good time!
FYSOT ’12 – RJC Dance Saturday
26 year old Tom was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma back in February 2004. Tom speaks about how he put off seeing a GP about a painless lump in his neck as he never imagined it would turn out to be […]
FYSOT ’12 – Delays in Diagnosis
Hardeep is back for his second FYSOT and the agenda is all about food – how important it is to eat and enjoy what you are eating! Hardeep being Hardeep means that a few naughty words do slip out of […]
FYSOT ’12 – Hardeep Singh Kohli
Time to step into the world of as jtv’s very own Peter, Lucie and Tom explain what it is all about, remember if you want to get involved and become a filmmaker please email us
FYSOT ’12 –
Time to kick of Teenage Cancer Trust’s annual Find Your Sense of Tumour event with FYSOT veterans Sue Morgan & Nigel Revell.