A collage of the things the London group got up to at the 2007 Find Your Sense of Tumour conference at Centre Parks near Nottingham.
FYSOT (290 films)
“Find Your Sense of Tumour” is an annual event where young people affected by cancer from across the country meet up to socialise with other young people going through cancer and attend informational talks from other cancer patients, professionals and other inspiring people.
- Teenage Cancer Trust (444)
- Education – Let's Talk About It (9)
- Fundraising (17)
- FYSOT (290)
- Royal Albert Hall (65)
Getting the act together for the big how, and other tom-foolery.
Birmingham at the FYSOT
A photo montage of some teenage kicks.
Sheffield at FYSOT ’07
The loudest ever ending to a FYSOT? And some ending comments from various people.
FYSOT ’07: Drum Finale
An inspirational talk from an Olympic Gold Medal winner Marc Woods as well as presentations by people who achieved so much in their own right. Includes talks from Lisa (Manchester), Tom (Manchester), and David Hood (Leeds).
FYSOT ’07: Positivity
Clare Dawson interviews Vikky Riley, who had cancer 9 years ago, tells us what it’s like to have survived and how it has affected her life.
FYSOT ’07: Survivorship
Sue Morgan presents her research on showing patients their cancer under the microscope and how it affected their feelings towards the disease.
FYSOT ’07: What Colour is My Cancer?
Allan Pacey presents a big issue for many cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy…
FYSOT ’07: Fertility
Peter Mackareth presents the options for complementary therapies on the NHS and what do doctors really think about them?
FYSOT ’07: Complementary Therapies
The TCT unit in Leeds show what magic they offer.
FYSOT ’07: Leeds
All the way from the CANTEEN project in Australia they try to recruit people to become Aussie.
FYSOT ’07: Australia
Ali Watts performs a song she recorded just after her treatment finished.