Teenage Cancer Trust (453 films)
A charity devoted to improving the lives of teenagers and young adults with cancer.
Films from previous Find Your Sense of Tumours, Royal Albert Hall music workshops, Teenage Cancer Trust unit openings and many more Teenage Cancer Trust based films.
Visit teenagecancertrust.org.

- Education – Let's Talk About It (9)
- Fundraising (17)
- FYSOT (290)
- Royal Albert Hall (65)

Party time! Here we have Saturday’s photo booth from FYSOT OVER 18s 2017
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Saturday Night Photo Booth

Check out Friday’s photo booth from FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 with a hero & villain twist!
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Friday Night Photo Booth

Other people make assumptions based on our title, our illness, our gender, our race. Staying true to yourself can be hard work. Sometimes we limit the way we express ourselves because it just seems easier to be and do what […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Kay Scorah – I’m not what it says on my label

A group of professionals answer your most frequently asked questions that were submitted through the weekend, facilitated by Sue Morgan. Dr Martin McCabe Dr Dan Yeomanson Lara Veitch Nicky Pettitt Lorna Fern
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Ask The Experts

100,000 young people are living with, and beyond, cancer in the UK but what is it like to be on the other side of a diagnosis and when you are beginning to put your life back on track? Following his […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Toby Peach – The other side of a hurricane

23-year-old Catrin Pugh was a normal young girl with her dreams and life in front of her, until in an instant everything changed forever. In 2013 she sustained horrific burn injuries but has beaten all the odds to astonish medical staff, […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Catrin Pugh – 96% Burns: Survivor to thriver

This talk will provide some of Mandy’s story as a young adult with cancer combined with some light psychology techniques shown to improve mental health and resilience. It will provide some skills for finding positives and making it through the […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Mandy Shanks – Positivity when life is PANTS!

It’s that voice in your ear that tells you, you aren’t good enough. That whisper who discourages you from trying new things because you might get them wrong. That character who prizes playing it safe over taking exciting creative risks! […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Steve Chapman – Dancing with your own inner critic

An overview of fertility issues for both males & females.
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Prof Allan Pacey MBE & Dr Jane Stewart – Fertility

Nobody can explain what it’s like to have cancer better than you. By sharing your story, you can help people understand what it’s like going through cancer and raise awareness of the support Teenage Cancer Trust offers. Learn about the […]
FYSOT OVER 18s 2017 – Teenage Cancer Trust Communications Team – Tell your story

What…A…Weekend!!!!! Thanks to Teenage Cancer Trust for another cracking Find Your Sense of Tumour weekend. Here’s a few highlights from a such a memorable weekend! #FYSOT