Brittany recalls when she was first diagnosed, and how people her age asked her if she was dying. She doesn’t know when she will be able to return to normal life, but is generally feeling positive
Brittany recalls when she was first diagnosed, and how people her age asked her if she was dying. She doesn’t know when she will be able to return to normal life, but is generally feeling positive
Ben remembers that he had a weird sense that he would one day get cancer. He realised that having cancer made him not like other people his age, which made it easier for him to accept his sexuality. Ben doesn’t […]
Ashley was just coming out of her shell before her diagnosis. She realised that her life was now subject to limits, as she was at the hospital most of the time. Ashley felt that she was left out of her […]
Alyssa was in musical theatre and plays before her diagnosis. She felt embarrassed during her treatments and didn’t want people to know about her cancer, because she didn’t want to be treated like she was dying.
Alyssa’s parents originally thought that her condition was classic teenage laziness. After she was diagnosed, Alyssa hated her treatment. She was very hormonal and experienced mood swings during her treatment, but decided to remain positive.
Connor Reilly talks with us about being diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Katie talks us through how she’s trying another new drug Interferon and the effects it’s having on her body.
Katie talks about how she’s lost her happy, feeling irritated and fed up. Katie also takes us through her thought process of all her drug options that are ahead of her.
Huge update from Katie as she explains after continuously feeling rubbish on her current chemo regime, her doctor let Katie have a break from her chemotherapy for a few weeks which has given Katie the much needed time off to […]
Filmed as part of 2017’s One Week In Cancer, we catch up with regular filmmaker Katie.
Final film from our One Week In Cancer 2017 filming project and it’s the weekend!
Day five of One Week In Cancer (Friday 3rd February) and it seems the week is tiring everyone out!