Frankie discusses how her tiredness affects her and Rhiannon talks about how thoughts about cancer and issues surrounding cancer sometimes stops her from going to sleep at night.
Frankie discusses how her tiredness affects her and Rhiannon talks about how thoughts about cancer and issues surrounding cancer sometimes stops her from going to sleep at night.
Rhiannon discusses the isolation she has felt after treatment. Rhiannon explains that even though she has a fantastic support network, she is struggling to get on with her life post-treatment as she is finding it hard which can be quite […]
Abigail, Frankie and Peter talk about how they told certain people in their lives about their cancer diagnosis. Abigail talks about how she told her best friend over the phone, Frankie was more worried about telling her mum as her […]
Once you’ve been given the good news of cancer free, what’s it like to live with the fear of possible relapse? Four young people share their thoughts on how they deal with this anxiety, Rhiannon believes you shouldn’t live in […]
We hear from Frankie and Rhiannon who talk about their experiences with brain fog or as some of you may know it as chemo brain! Frankie also gives some handy advice on how to deal with chemo brain. For those unfamiliar with […]
We hear about three major body image issues during this film. Rhiannon talks about how she loved her long hair before treatment and how she shaved it off to prevent it from falling out in clumps. Rhiannon also talks about […]
We hear from Abigail and Peter who talk about what they found frustrating and angering during treatment. Peter felt like certain health professionals were treating him as a bunch of symptoms rather than a person, whereas Abigail struggled with “Why […]
Filmed in May 2014. Katie brings us up to speed on how things are going with her, including telling us about a new chemotherapy drug that she’s about to try, however Katie is a bit apprehensive how she will fit […]
After Cancer Treatment…So What Now? Is a series of 9 films coming soon to DVD and to jtvcancersupport.com that is made by young people from Sheffield that speak honestly about life after cancer treatment.
Katie is having the word “Hope” tattooed on her finger. Katie explains why hope means so much to her and how hope keeps her going throughout her cancer treatment.
It’s been seven years since Katie was first diagnosed with CML, Katie discusses why she feels it’s important to remember her cancerversary and talks about her upcoming big decision, whether to try a new chemotherapy drug which understandably Katie has […]
A short film from Callum Bradley that highlights possible side effects of treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.