When Zeena was 18 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Zeena talks about her symptoms pre-diagnosis and talks about how her family including her sister Dana who is a Doctor, suspected something serious was wrong with Zeena but at the […]
When Zeena was 18 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Zeena talks about her symptoms pre-diagnosis and talks about how her family including her sister Dana who is a Doctor, suspected something serious was wrong with Zeena but at the […]
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
We asked our filmmakers “What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?” who were on hand to give newly diagnosed patients some excellent top tips from their experiences. To watch each filmmaker’s individual advice in […]
2014’s One Week in Cancer kicks off at Teenage Cancer Trust’s Find your sense of Tumour Conference. This is the first of 7 films which throughout one week, follows 20 young people through different stages of their cancer journeys, whether during […]
Chris had volunteered to join the military in Afghanistan when he was diagnosed. He remembers his weight loss and constant cough feeling normal, as he was getting used to his new lifestyle. He believes that a positive attitude is the […]
Ryan had just left high school when he was diagnosed, and was told he would be placed in a paediatrics unit despite him being 22. He recalls his friends visiting him very often, which helped him through his treatment and […]
Matt remembers being alone in the hospital at night, which was a very unsettling experience. He tried to make his time in the hospital enjoyable, not causing problems for his nurses and doctors. He didn’t tell many people about his […]
Matt remembers being alone in the hospital at night, which was a very unsettling experience. He tried to make his time in the hospital enjoyable, not causing problems for his nurses and doctors. He didn’t tell many people about his […]
Matt remembers being alone in the hospital at night, which was a very unsettling experience. He tried to make his time in the hospital enjoyable, not causing problems for his nurses and doctors. He didn’t tell many people about his […]
Mackenzie describes how her treatment makes her feel toxic. She didn’t know anyone who she could talk to about her upcoming treatments. Mackenzie fears that her cancer will come back, and feels a lot of doubt surrounding her future.
Lauren appreciates everything in her life and lives every moment as best she can. She doesn’t necessarily want to forget her experience. She thought she had cancer before her doctors told her, by looking on the internet. Her friends were […]
Julia remembers that she was relieved to start feeling better after her treatment and diagnosis, and that it took a while for her diagnosis to register with her. She also discusses her options around having children, which resulted in her […]
Julia is only 14, and she at first struggled to understand her diagnosis. She spends her time recording her journey through treatment online. Julia’s family, friends, and religion helps her keep her spirits up and keeps her positive.
Jo discusses how she took on her “tough” identity, until she started losing her hair, which made her feel very separate and different compared to other people her age. She lost most of her friends from school, making her feel […]
Jacob says was diagnosed 4-5 weeks ago, but as time moulds into one in the hospital it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date. He was comforted by having a label given to his health problems. His cancer only affects […]
Daniel missed a year of school, and therefore missed a lot of his social life. People at his school didn’t understand what he was experiencing, and he lost a lot of his friends. He didn’t have time to process growing […]