Arnie talks about how his taste has changed since his cancer diagnosis.
Arnie talks about how his taste has changed since his cancer diagnosis.
We hear from some of our fabulous filmmakers; from chemo cravings to steroid hunger & to things they never want to eat again! Let’s talk FOOD!
Filmed as part of our “What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?” film. We hear Arnie’s advice in full.
We asked our filmmakers “What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?” who were on hand to give newly diagnosed patients some excellent top tips from their experiences. To watch each filmmaker’s individual advice in […]
Another film by Mr Arnie Higgs, his wonderful, never give up attitude, always brightens up our day here at jtv… Now think winner people…
Arnie gives motivational advice to keep us moving forward!
Arnie talks about the pain barrier he had to get through in order to get fit, he calls this his success barrier.
Arnie gives top advice on how you shouldn’t be embarrassed if you want to achieve something such as getting back to fitness!
Arnie is back again, and this time he is thinking outside the box on how to keep motivated … Check out Arnie’s website – http://www.haveagoarn.com
We catch up with Arnie who’s telling us all about his book that he has wrote called “Cancer, Determination and Me” all about Arnie’s experiences of having a brain tumour. You can purchase Arnie’s book via Amazon, Waterstones or on Arnie’s […]
Arnie talks about how Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book has inspired him and give him words of wisdom. Arnie talks about how important it is to have that inspiration in life.