Skyle is off sailing with the fantastic Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust onboard Scarlet Oyster.
Skyle is off sailing with the fantastic Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust onboard Scarlet Oyster.
It’s the final instalment of this years One Week In Cancer. One Week In Cancer is jimmyteens.tv very own filming project where we asked young people across the country to film their week.
It’s the weekend for our One Week In Cancer filmmakers (Saturday 11th May) as we catch up with them to see what they are up to. One Week In Cancer is jimmyteens.tv very own filming project where we asked young people […]
It’s day five (Friday 10th May) of jimmyteens.tv very own One Week In Cancer filming project where we asked young people across the country to film their week.
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv very own One Week In Cancer filming project where we asked young people across the country to film their week. It’s time to see what happened on day three (Wednesday 8th May).
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv very own One Week In Cancer filming project where we asked young people across the country to film their week. We catch up with the OWIC filmmakers to see what they are up to on […]
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv very own One Week In Cancer filming project where we asked young people across the country to film their week. Here is day one of their week where we see what our six filmmakers get […]
It’s time to meet the filmmakers who took part in this years One Week In Cancer. The OWIC 2013 series is coming soon to jimmyteens.tv so make sure to come back and see what these young people get up to […]
Jane, Sau-Chael and Tom show us around their Teenage Cancer Trust unit in Leicester Royal Infirmary.