Ryan is off to Manchester to do an indoor skydive to test whether he can do it as he dreams of doing a real skydive but his post-traumatic stress disorder has previously held him back.
Ryan is off to Manchester to do an indoor skydive to test whether he can do it as he dreams of doing a real skydive but his post-traumatic stress disorder has previously held him back.
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv very own media training programme this film explores David, Ryan, Thomas and Wen’s experiences with relationships and how these have changed since they were diagnosed with cancer.
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv media training programme. We hear from David, Ryan, Thomas and Wen who talk about their experiences with late effects after cancer and talk about how they have experienced survivorship guilt.
Filmed as apart of jimmyteens.tv very own media training programme this film explores David, Ryan, Thomas and Wen’s thoughts and feelings on faith before, during and after cancer.
Filmed as part of jimmyteens.tv media training programme. David, Ryan, Thomas and Wen talk about the importance of music while they were on treatment.
Filmed and edited by Ryan through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. Ryan talks about how he was diagnosed with a brain tumour at a time in his life where he was just about to start college.
Filmed and edited by Ryan through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. Ryan explains how he’s off to a few hospital appointments and a couple of days of work ahead of him. Ryan explains how much he enjoys working but how it […]
Filmed and edited by Ryan through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. Ryan a keen golf enthusiast shares a few golfing pictures of himself before he was diagnosed and explains how his golfing abilities has changed since having a brain tumour.
Filmed and edited by Ryan through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. Ryan talks about how he’s enjoying the first few days of the media training programme but how he’s finding filming himself a little strange! Ryan has a jam packed few […]