Leeds Children’s Hospital TV This film will explain what mucositis is, how it may affect you and what photobiomodulation can do to help reduce the symptoms. if you would like more information and meet the team that made this film […]
Leeds Children’s Hospital TV This film will explain what mucositis is, how it may affect you and what photobiomodulation can do to help reduce the symptoms. if you would like more information and meet the team that made this film […]
In this film we hear from young people who use the day room on Ward 94 at St James’s while on treatment there.
Each month Maddi will be starting some much-needed conversations about cancer and our mental health. She’ll be joined by someone different who will bring their own story and thoughts to the chat. We’re all busy, but we can all make […]
Ryan’s Journey continues as he takes a trip to Italy with a new contract.
Febrile neutropenia is a common and potentially life-threatening complication of cancer treatment. It’s managed by admission to hospital, and giving powerful antibiotics. We know that for 4 out of 5 young people, the temperature wasn’t a severe infection, and we […]
One minute pharmacists series continues with Chris explanation of the protective effect of calcium folinate against Methotrexate.
Stephanie, Lily and Ella instantly connected when they met on their Trust trip. They learned new skills, made lots of friends and most importantly had fun. Interested in coming on a Trust trip? Find out more here –https://www.ellenmacarthurcancertrust.org/our-trips/first-time-
For many young people, picking up from where they left off before cancer just isn’t possible. So, when treatment ends our work begins. We support young people aged 8-17 and 18-24(ish) to rebuild confidence through sailing and adventure.
When Zeena was 18 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Zeena talks about her symptoms pre-diagnosis and talks about how her family including her sister Dana who is a Doctor, suspected something serious was wrong with Zeena but at the […]
Filmed at Find Your Sense of Tumour 2012 – jimmyteens.tv very own EVA (Evaluation Video Apparatus) meets Sean McCartney who was diagnosed with Melanoma a type of skin cancer after having a biopsy on a mole.
It’s been seven years since Katie was first diagnosed with CML, Katie discusses why she feels it’s important to remember her cancerversary and talks about her upcoming big decision, whether to try a new chemotherapy drug which understandably Katie has […]
Shelbee discusses life after cancer treatment and talks about how people presume once in remission everything is back to normal!
Shelbee chats about her cancer and talks about what her plans were before her cancer diagnosis, Shelbee also fills us in on what she plans to do now after treatment.
Filmed back in January 2013. Laura talks about life after cancer and how she’s moving on. Laura explains how cancer first haunted her when she finished treatment but now it’s something that she doesn’t really mention.
It’s day three on the return to sail trip with Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust and Wen is in control of the boat! It’s time to have a spot of knot practise, skim stones and chill out on the boat. To […]
Amazingly written poem by Anie who takes us through various cancer experiences in such an unique, beautifully put way.