It’s been a year since Jess made her Mental Health & Me film, Jess gives us an update on where she is at now with her health and how she is learning to live with her anxieties without taking as […]
Birmingham (95 films)
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
How does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present & potential partners?
It’s been a while since we last heard from Beckii..
A Quick Update
Filmed as part of our “What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?” film. Jess gives some top tips on how to deal with having cancer including how to deal with cancer and social media!
Jess – What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?
Amazingly written poem by Anie who takes us through various cancer experiences in such an unique, beautifully put way.
Spoken Word by Anie Hu
We asked our filmmakers “What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?” who were on hand to give newly diagnosed patients some excellent top tips from their experiences. To watch each filmmaker’s individual advice in […]
What advice would you give to a young person newly diagnosed with cancer?
2015 sees Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust celebrate it’s 12th year as a charity. We hear from Ceinwen (Wen) who tells us about the impact EMCT has had on her life.
#12years12stories – Ceinwen Stone
Jess talks openly about how difficult certain elements of her cancer journey have been. Jess talks about how her cancer diagnosis and its treatment has impacted on her mental health and her relationships with others.
FYSOT 2015 – Mental health & me
It’s been a while since Jess last did a film for JTV. As Jess approaches her 3 year remission anniversary, Jess talks about how you don’t get over having cancer, you come to terms with it and how it will always […]
“I am the SURVIVOR!”
Rachel shares with us her experiences of cancer and we get to see photos of Rachel’s time in hospital.
Rachel Clark Stories From The Ward
It’s been a year since Stephen Sutton passed away. Friend Beckii talks about Stephen and the legacy that he has left.
“I Would like To Say Thank You Stephen”
Beckii is back and she’s giving us an update on what’s been happening in her life. Beckii talks about how she’s started university but it’s harder than she thought but she’s really enjoying it. Beckii also talks about how her long […]