Short, sweet and simple with brilliant use of sound effects.
You can visit our sister site lchtv.com http://www.lchtv.com/ for more Leeds films. Leeds Children’s Hospital TV.
Short, sweet and simple with brilliant use of sound effects.
Series 1 Episode 4/8: Here we see Hockey getting an MRI scan, and we find out what it really stands for!
Series 1 Episode 3/8: In this episode, Hockey starts to loose his hair after his chemo.
Series 1 Episode 2/8: Hockey goes for his operation, and his dad comes to visit.
Series 1 Episode 1/8: The first in the series of Hockey Bob cartoons, where Hockey is informed he has cancer- everywhere! Best watched in sequence.
Laura’s second film, explaining what its like on P.I.C.U, keeping light hearted all the way.
A very open example of a young girl overcoming the embarrassment of losing her hair.
This is a highly emotional film about a bubbly 14 year old girl undergoing chemotherapy with her mother by her side every step of the way.
Sam has a haircut in preparation for her wig, and seems pleased with the results.
An extremely informative piece on the process of port-a-cath removal.
The introduction from Sue Morgan featured on the Leeds DVD.
A charming tale uncovering the truth about spending the night with a drip stand.