An introduction as to what you can expect from the school services whilst in hospital.
London (129 films)
prince and his first music video for ‘gunshots’.
gunshots (explicit)
Prince takes us to his nephew’s Christening, and then to the recording studio where he’s recording some tracks.
Prince Part 3
Prince asks his friend, K.C., some questions about how he coped with his friend’s diagnosis. Prince also talks about how his family coped, and where they laid the blame.
Prince Part 2
Your hair may be dropping out, so make the most of it while you can.
Last of the Mohecans
19 now, Prince was diagnosed at 14 with a few years off he relapsed at 17. Here he talks about how he dealt with the diagnosis.
A collage of the things the London group got up to at the 2007 Find Your Sense of Tumour conference at Centre Parks near Nottingham.
London @ FYSOT ’07
Chris takes his first steps after spending a long time in a wheelchair.
Every Step I Take
An interview with Gemma, a staff nurse on the Teenage Cancer Ward in London.