2014’s One Week in Cancer kicks off at Teenage Cancer Trust’s Find your sense of Tumour Conference. This is the first of 7 films which throughout one week, follows 20 young people through different stages of their cancer journeys, whether during […]
UK (1421 films)
Featured Films
Meet Lauren who has been diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Initially Lauren was misdiagnosed after finding a lump on her neck, but as the lump grew Lauren went back to her GP who gave her a two week cancer referral. […]
The Papillary Thyroid Cancer Diary
Brilliant final talk at FYSOT 2013 from Brian Lobel who talks about his new project that he has been working on with young cancer patients from Birmingham called ‘Fun with Cancer Patients’ and Brian also talks about his experiences of […]
FYSOT ’13 – Brian Lobel
Jess talks openly about how she’s had to deal with anxiety and mental health problems during and after cancer. Jess gives fantastic advice that if you are going through anything similar to Jess, you should seek help and advice from […]
Mental Health & Me
Leeds Children’s Hospital TV This film will explain what mucositis is, how it may affect you and what photobiomodulation can do to help reduce the symptoms. if you would like more information and meet the team that made this film […]
Mucositis and Photobiomodulation
In this film we hear from young people who use the day room on Ward 94 at St James’s while on treatment there.
What The Day Room Means To Us
Each month Maddi will be starting some much-needed conversations about cancer and our mental health. She’ll be joined by someone different who will bring their own story and thoughts to the chat. We’re all busy, but we can all make […]
13 Minutes With Maddie From Mind Over Cancer
Ryan’s Journey continues as he takes a trip to Italy with a new contract.
Ryan Jacobs The Journey Continues
Febrile neutropenia is a common and potentially life-threatening complication of cancer treatment. It’s managed by admission to hospital, and giving powerful antibiotics. We know that for 4 out of 5 young people, the temperature wasn’t a severe infection, and we […]
Biomarkers in Febrile Neutropenia.
Stephanie, Lily and Ella instantly connected when they met on their Trust trip. They learned new skills, made lots of friends and most importantly had fun. Interested in coming on a Trust trip? Find out more here –https://www.ellenmacarthurcancertrust.org/our-trips/first-time-
“We’ve all found our common ground.”
For many young people, picking up from where they left off before cancer just isn’t possible. So, when treatment ends our work begins. We support young people aged 8-17 and 18-24(ish) to rebuild confidence through sailing and adventure.
Come Sailing with the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
A 14-year-old Claire Amaladoss first sailed with the Trust in 2007 in recovery from Hodgkin Lymphoma. This is her story of how she went from a young person to volunteer to Trustee.
12 years 12 stories-Claire
Positivity and optimism is the best cure to the loneliness and isolation young people feel after treatment. As the young people explain in this video a weight is lifted off your shoulders by being around people who understand. The support […]
How did you feel at the end of your trip?
Emmie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia at seven. She explains how the support of the Trust helped her let go of the anger she held on to after treatment.
Emmie-“All my worries have just drifted away.”
Little did Hannah know how the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust would transform her life after hearing the words ‘Leukaemia’.
Dear 15 year old Hannah
It was hard for Ammarah sitting in hospital watching her friends’ Snapchat stories while she was receiving chemotherapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma, but the Trust help her feel part of something again.