This film focuses on how the young people have coped during and after cancer treatment with their relationships with partners, family and friends as well as how to deal with new relationships. This film is apart of a series of films called […]
UK (1421 films)
The young people share their experiences of how they managed various practical things after treatment such as education, employment and insurance. This film is apart of a series of films called “After Cancer Treatment…So What Now?” The collection of films […]
Practical Stuff
After cancer treatment the young people found themselves having to deal with a series of physical effects including fatigue, memory problems (chemo brain) body image issues and fertility problems. During this film the young people discuss how they have coped with […]
Physical Effects
After cancer treatment the young people talk about how they tried to find a balance between staying healthy but also enjoying themselves too! This film is apart of a series of films called “After Cancer Treatment…So What Now?” The collection […]
Consultant Nurse in Survivorship and Late Effects Diana Greenfield talks through the late effects follow up clinic system that will be offered as part as your after cancer treatment care. This film is apart of a series of films called […]
Late Effects – The Intro
Fertility expert Dr. Allan Pacey discusses how cancer treatment might have affected your fertility and explains your fertility options for the future. This film is apart of a series of films called “After Cancer Treatment…So What Now?” The collection of […]
Fertility – The Facts
The young people share how they felt finishing treatment and how sometimes it’s not as easy as they first thought ending treatment would be. This film is apart of a series of films called “After Cancer Treatment…So What Now?” The […]
Feelings & Emotions
Filmed in January 2014. Peter is back home after recently having a brain shunt fitted. Next on the agenda is to finally start chemotherapy which feels a long time coming for Peter.
My Chemo Diary – Part Three
Skyle is off sailing with the fantastic Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust onboard Scarlet Oyster.
Team Scarlet Oyster
We hear from Abigail and Peter who talk about what they found frustrating and angering during treatment. Peter felt like certain health professionals were treating him as a bunch of symptoms rather than a person, whereas Abigail struggled with “Why […]
Anger & Frustration
Shelbee discusses life after cancer treatment and talks about how people presume once in remission everything is back to normal!
Talking Remission
We join a group of young people from the Newcastle Teenage Cancer Trust Unit who have took to the outdoors to have some fun!