Watch out Ward 94’s Youth Support Coordinator is about! No where is safe as Carrie takes to the camera and films what’s happening on the Leeds unit!
UK (1421 films)
The fabulous guys at Cambridge are having another family day where young people tell us why days like these are so important to not only them but to their parents too.
Cambridge Family Day
David was diagnosed with a brain tumour over six years ago, we hear from David’s brothers who talk about the impact David’s diagnosis has had on them.
The Cowan Brothers
Filmed and edited by Wen through media training programme. It’s a busy week for Wen as not only is she returning to sail with the lovely people at Ellen MacArthur Trust, Wen has also just moved back to Cardiff for […]
Wen’s Video Diaries: 10th-16th September
Culinary delights for you here at as we join Leeds who are doing a spot of cooking!
Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook – Mince Pie Special
Are you sick of being sick? Fancy knowing all about the different types of sick? In need for handy tips on dealing with sickness? Then this is the film for you!!!
Say NO to Nausea
It’s time for Muznibin Ali to get his groove on and take to the dance floor mixed with a bit of magic…is there no end to Muznibin’s talent?
Busy Doing Nothing – Magic and Dance
Luned’s reached Orlando and on today’s agenda lots of fun! We get to follow Luned all around Universal Studios and get to see where dreams come true…Disney World of course!
Luned in the USA – Orlando
Check out this fabulous animation by Fraser, Jehiad and Lucy from Glasgow.
The Spy Who Didn’t Love Me
Filmed and edited by Ryan through media training programme. Ryan talks about how he was diagnosed with a brain tumour at a time in his life where he was just about to start college.
The Crazy Cancer Golf Course
Steph is back and would you believe that it’s been over three years since Steph was diagnosed with Leukaemia? Steph fills us in on what’s been happening since she last filmed including finishing university, travelling to see her family in […]
Three Years On
Nerves are high as Andrew is ready to head off to university but it’s not long until he’s updating us on how brilliant university is and how life is pretty good for him right now.