Toni received treatment on an adult chemotherapy ward where she felt she was always seen as a talking point to other patients with her being so young compared to other people. Toni talks openly about how her cancer and treatment […]
Toni received treatment on an adult chemotherapy ward where she felt she was always seen as a talking point to other patients with her being so young compared to other people. Toni talks openly about how her cancer and treatment […]
Peter describes being on an adult ward after surgery for a brain tumour, and then on a teenage and young adult ward.
Emma had a bone marrow transplant on an adult ward. She had to stay in her room for 4-5 weeks, but mum could stay too.
Danielle had two young children when she had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma treatment on an adult chemotherapy day unit.
Craig was treated on a children’s unit for a brain tumour at age 20, until he transferred to an adult unit nearer home.
Following surgery for testicular cancer on a friendly adult ward, Dave had chemotherapy as an outpatient.
Questions: “If you felt unwell now in any way who would you go to, your GP, or specialist?”, “What type of clinics would you like to see developed?”, “How often do you think patients should be seen?”, “Would you want […]
Alice reflects on the chemotherapy and its side effects after having it for a year and a half. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Alice celebrates her 17th birthday, and gets a car! Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
As Alice reaches a year of chemo she reflects on the experiences of treatment. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
An introduction to Southampton’s Piam Brown ward, what to expect, who you will see, where you will be…
Richard explains the differences between his last stay and his current one. Richard’s film shows us how sometimes an adult ward can seem very bleak to a teenager. Here’s hoping that one day all hospitals will have teenage cancer units.