A hilarious animation by Peter Wilkinson, telling us the story of “Mr. Peter”, and how a trip to the opticians doesn’t quite go to plan when we are introduced to “Brian the brain tumour”. With a catchy soundtrack and his […]
Films Tagged: Animation (74 films)
All the way through to “type 7” on the Bristol Stool Form Scale- a recognised medical chart used to classify and describe changes in human bowel habits, this is certainly not an animation for the faint hearted! From sausages to […]
the Bristol stool form scale
Watch Mr. Syringe reaaaally dancing, like, as he bops to music, until, like, he gets reaaaaally tired……like. A fantastic animation from the Sheffield Animation Group, showing that syringes can have fun too! So could you see me really dancing, like?
look at me dancing
As part of the ‘Belfast City Hospital Journeys’- a series of short films created by young people in the hospital, this is Adel’s poem “Butterfly”. She describes how her time in hospital is similar to hiding away like a caterpillar, […]
Adel’s Butterfly
Created by Tom McNab and Tom Madge as part of Leeds Media Workshop films, this is a series of colourful, humorous and clever animations including a talking mug, a self destructing pizza and a runaway horse! Made by the teenagers […]
Media Workshop
An animation of an interview with Karen who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
An introduction as to what you can expect from the school services whilst in hospital.
london school room
There’s no escaping it, Christmas is here! With a guest appearance from Pingu’s half cousin twice removed.
a merry little christmas
Animations and interesting films from Myah Edmeade, Faisal, Sue Morgan, and others.
Media Workshop Films
This short DVD aims to make the whole process of sperm banking easy to understand. It takes you through all you need to know – why to consider doing it, how to do it and what happens afterwards.
Whack to the Future
A ghostly tale, and a fun cat.
Just Passing Through
Drunk Tom gets his sexuality mixed up in this bizarre tale.