We get a sneaky peek inside the Royal Hospital for sick children, located in Edinburgh. With the help of Shannon McKenzies, first up is a tour around Ward Two, where everything from the kitchen to Shannon’s very pink bedroom quarters […]
We get a sneaky peek inside the Royal Hospital for sick children, located in Edinburgh. With the help of Shannon McKenzies, first up is a tour around Ward Two, where everything from the kitchen to Shannon’s very pink bedroom quarters […]
Here we are introduced to Jenna who is in hospital and receives her 5th chemo session. There are also visits from some friends and family.
Alice and friends take part in the Race For Life in Cambridge to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Kayleigh explains what its like to be so far away from home and lonely for so long, and explains how her illness put her life into perspective.
Starring Alice Bullock, Jordan Watson, and Kayleigh Ashby. The patients of ward C2 explain their stories, and we get a tour of the ward.
An extremely informative piece on the process of port-a-cath removal.