Alice tries to lead as normal life as possible by going to school etc. despite constant interruptions for blood tests and treatment. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Alice tries to lead as normal life as possible by going to school etc. despite constant interruptions for blood tests and treatment. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
L Rose gives a rundown of her journey through cancer.
A rundown from Alice about how her treatment is going and gets her leg plastered. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Chris has a look back over his treatment.
Milissa goes to get her hair styled, and explains her own private experiences with her leukemia, and how losing her hair was hard to go through.
L Rose shares her experiences as she remembers her long time away from home in hospital.
Another absolute corker from Alice, home again, and she explains how lucky she feels to have had her illness as it put her whole life into perspective. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Things are getting tough for Neil, but nothing is going to stand between him and his beloved Chesterfield, as he, his wife and his parents all take a day trip to Blackpool.
Millie shows us the diary she kept during her time battling, which seems to have proven a distraction.
Richard explains the differences between his last stay and his current one. Richard’s film shows us how sometimes an adult ward can seem very bleak to a teenager. Here’s hoping that one day all hospitals will have teenage cancer units.
Alice gives some good advice on how to stay positive in hospital, she puts her points across flawlessly, always with a smile. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Kayleigh explains what its like to be so far away from home and lonely for so long, and explains how her illness put her life into perspective.