Harrison remembers feeling alone during his time at the hospital. He lost touch with lots of his friends. Harrison struggled through a difficult mental aftermath of his treatments, and made the decision to see a counsellor to help. He realises […]
Harrison remembers feeling alone during his time at the hospital. He lost touch with lots of his friends. Harrison struggled through a difficult mental aftermath of his treatments, and made the decision to see a counsellor to help. He realises […]
Filmed for the Cambridge Pathways Project. Lead Counsellor Practitioner Jan Rand tells us about her role and the counselling services.
Fans of previous FYSOT fertility talks will notice that Allan Pacey is doing things slightly different this year…he’s got two guest speaker with him, Steph Hayter and Chris Stone who share their experience of having cancer and fertility issues that […]
Highlights from ‘The Way Forward’ weekend in Wales, where former patients get together as a group and discuss and identify the issues that can arise once treatment is over and the procedures that need to be put into place to […]
When she was 21, Jennifer was treated in a single room on an adult haematology ward with lots of support from the staff.
Question: “Are you under regular surveillance and is it helpful or intrusive?”, “How easy did you find it getting back into education?”, “Was there adequate counseling and support?”
Bonnie starts her chemo treatment and talks us through her tablets, transfusions, sickness etc. It doesn’t sound easy…