The third of 3 films from Sarah, in which she tells us how she feels after the transplant and writes a thankyou letter to the bone marrow donor.
Films Tagged: Doctors (17 films)
It’s 18 months after her stem cell transplant, and Sarah is back in hospital. She tells us how she feels, as she waits for even more chemo and a bone marrow transplant.
Sarah Ramsden Part 3
David’s story is about how he had to deal with going from being at the top of his game to being stuck in hospital with cancer.
David’s Story
Filmed from Scott’s point of view, he explains his struggle with leukaemia, and how it changed his relationship with his family.
Scott’s Story
Series 1 Episode 1/8: The first in the series of Hockey Bob cartoons, where Hockey is informed he has cancer- everywhere! Best watched in sequence.