Here we meet 24 year old Amy who was diagnosed with Stage 2B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after experiencing night sweats, infections, itchiness and a lump. Amy tells us how she was initially put into remission in February 2015 but unfortunately in […]
Here we meet 24 year old Amy who was diagnosed with Stage 2B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after experiencing night sweats, infections, itchiness and a lump. Amy tells us how she was initially put into remission in February 2015 but unfortunately in […]
Meet Arnie who you might recognise from jimmyteens.tv very own filming project One Week In Cancer 2013. Arnie was diagnosed with a brain tumour back in August 2008, Arnie tells us how his cancer impacted on his life and how he […]
Self proclaimed “Fat Adam” was diagnosed in 2011 at the age of 15 after discovering a lump that was later diagnosed as Lymphoma. Adam talks about how he got through cancer by trying to remain positive, strong and happy!
Before Nathan was diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma he had been studying overseas and having the time of his life in Canada and Germany. When Nathan came back to Australia he started experiencing tiredness and after numerous appointments, blood tests and […]
Just a few months ago Hannah returned back home from University unwell after experiencing a month of worsening symptoms. Hannah’s mum took Hannah to the doctors where a blood test later confirmed that she had a form of Leukaemia. Hannah […]
Laura was 18 years old when she first started to notice her symptoms but mixed with usual university worries and the infamous ‘fresher flu’ Laura thought it was nothing to worry about and continued student life! The symptoms soon got […]
You simply can’t sit through an episode of Coronation Street these days without someone ringing you and disturbing the peace….as Mr. Peter soon discovers! A phone call from the hospital completely disrupts his evening television schedule as our favourite cartoon […]
Joe shows us that although he has leukemia, he can still do the things he loves. His family come to visit him on his birthday, and he gets some good news.
Alice gives some good advice on how to stay positive in hospital, she puts her points across flawlessly, always with a smile. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.