An animation of an interview with Karen who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
An animation of an interview with Karen who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
17 year old Josephine is on her 4th week of chemo after diagnosis of Osteosarcoma.
All the latest news from Birmingham – news on: the siblings weekend, the youth club, and details on the new building to extend the ward.
Alice is allowed home for a few hours. There’s also an interview with Alice’s Grandma highlighting how things have changed in diagnosis and treatment.
L Rose gives a rundown of her journey through cancer.
Milissa goes to get her hair styled, and explains her own private experiences with her leukemia, and how losing her hair was hard to go through.
The guys from Canteen Australia give us a run through of what its all about.
L Rose shares her experiences as she remembers her long time away from home in hospital.
The third of Alice’s great films, and finally home, she can start to enjoy life again. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
The second fantastic film by Alice, and after spending a long time in hospital she gets the news that she can go home. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Starring Alice Bullock, Jordan Watson, and Kayleigh Ashby. The patients of ward C2 explain their stories, and we get a tour of the ward.
The first of 3 films from Sarah, in which she waits for her bone marrow transplant, and she gives us a tour of her new hospital room.