Questions: “If you felt unwell now in any way who would you go to, your GP, or specialist?”, “What type of clinics would you like to see developed?”, “How often do you think patients should be seen?”, “Would you want […]
Films Tagged: Support (77 films)
Question: “Are you under regular surveillance and is it helpful or intrusive?”, “How easy did you find it getting back into education?”, “Was there adequate counseling and support?”
TYA – Session 3
Bonnie starts her chemo treatment and talks us through her tablets, transfusions, sickness etc. It doesn’t sound easy…
Bonnie’s Diary Nov ’07
Age 22, and diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer, Bonnie tells her story.
Bonnie’s Diary Oct ’07
A guide to ward 27 with an introduction to some of the staff and facilities available.
welcome to LRI
All the latest news from Birmingham – news on: the siblings weekend, the youth club, and details on the new building to extend the ward.
teenage oncology times-issue 2
Prince asks his friend, K.C., some questions about how he coped with his friend’s diagnosis. Prince also talks about how his family coped, and where they laid the blame.
Prince Part 2
19 now, Prince was diagnosed at 14 with a few years off he relapsed at 17. Here he talks about how he dealt with the diagnosis.
A frank discussion about the highs and lows of dealing with cancer. With Sue Morgan.
Talking Positivity
The second part of this extremely popular video has Jon reflecting on the difficulties of recovery.
Fast Cars, Filthy Cancer 2
Dan Jones and Faye Lilley talk about what makes them individual.
FYSOT ’07: Not Just a Number
L Rose gives a rundown of her journey through cancer.