This film tells you all you need to know about the P.E.G. Very spaceage!

  • I have just read about Zoe in the Daily Telegraph – what a wonderful girl and my deepest sympathy to her family.

  • I miss you so much sweetheart and think about you everyday, you were always so brave and cheerful and never gave up hope, you were too good for this world; now you and granddad are together again and can look after each other. Love you lots and lots – mum xxxxxx

  • To my darling Zoe, I miss you so much sweetheart and wish you were here to share this Easter with us. You are always in my heart and in my thoughts. Lots and lots of love – mum xxxxxxxxx

  • Missing you so much angel and i’m trying to be strong. Just keep watching over your mum and Gemma. Wish you was here to put a smile on my face and wipe away my tears. Love you James xxx

  • i have just read zoes story in thats life what an amazingly brave girl she was. for her to think of her leaflet idea to help other teenage cancer patients when she was going through her own fight is wonderful. Helen i really do hope you get it printed, best of luck to you and your family.

  • To my beautiful girl on your 18th birthday. I miss you so much sweetheart, you should be here to celebrate, but I know that you and granddad are together and will be looking after each other especially today. I love you much more than words could ever express but I think you know that anyway. Happy Birthday darling, lots and lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Happy 18th Birthday to my beautiful Angel Zoe. May your day be wondeful as you and your grandad. take care and keep on looking over your mum and sister. all my love James XXXXXXX 🙂

  • I miss you so much sweetheart, everyday without you is so difficult. I will always be so proud of you and always love you more than words could ever express.
    Lots and Lots of Love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • i got a new job today angel. hope i made you proud and i’m still loving you. all my love, heart and soul james xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Thought I’d better shove another comment on, 13 being unlucky and all. Hehe.

    Love hugs and badgers

    Your favourite sister.

    Yes, I know I’m your only sister.


  • I am so proud that your booklet has been published, you are still helping others as you always did. I bet your granddad is proud of you too, I know you will be looking after each other in heaven. I love you lots and lots sweetheart and miss you more and more each day. mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • You did Zoe. you left your loving touch on the world and many more people will benifit from your booklet that you made. well done. Hope your taking care of bunny and your grandad. All my love James xxxxxxxx

  • I am missing you so much sweetheart, this Christmas is going to be so difficult without you, I miss your smile and your laughter and the love that you showed to everyone; you will always be in my heart;I love you so much darling. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • “They played Build Me Up Buttercup at the office christmas party last night. Do you remember last year? They played it at Mums and we sang along. Good times. I miss you Zo’

    Love you loads and loads



  • I miss you so much sweetheart, I don’t know how we will get through this Christmas without you, I miss your beautiful smile and you loving nature. I hope you and granddad are taking good care of each other. Love you lots and lots darling mum xxxxx

  • Merry christmas to my angel. hope youand your grandad keep each other in good spirit today and your mum and Gemma they need you today. all my ever lasting love James xxxxx

  • We are a year closer to you now. Hope you and your grandad are keeping each other in great spirt and Happy new year to you both all my love james xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • i miss you so so much and i wish you was here seemd unreal when i can’t turn to the person i confided in i miss you angel. love you always James xxxxxx

  • A year has gone by sweetheart, but I still miss you as much as ever, you are always in my heart; I am so proud of you darling and love you so much.
    Lots of Love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much Zoe, I miss your smile, your sense of humour and the love that you showed to everyone; you are so very, very precious darling and I long to be able to cuddle you and tell you how much I love you.

  • Its only getting harder not been with you angel, but you keep coming throught to guide me when i go wrong. missing you so much if only the box was big enough to tell you so. I LOVE YOU ZOE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • To my darling Zoe, I miss you so much sweetheart, you will always be my brave and wonderful daughter, and you will never ever be far from my heart. I love you so much darling.
    Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx all my love for ever more James xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Another Easter and Mother’s Day without you sweetheart and I miss you more than ever; my heart aches with the love that I feel for you and the pain that I feel for not having you here with us all. I love you lots and lots darling.
    Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Look after my cat for me. He’ll tire you out, and eat you out of house and home. You’ll like him though.

    Love you sis


  • There are times in my life when I feel so low sweetheart and find it so difficult to face another day without you; but I know that one day we will be together again and I will be able to give you the biggest hug ever; Gemma and I miss you so much darling and you are always in our thoughts and our hearts.
    Love you forever darling.

  • I miss you so much darling, life is so unfair; why else should someone as precious as you be taken away from us all. I miss our chats sweetheart and miss giving you a cuddle; but the special bond that we shared will never be broken and you will always be in my heart; I love you so much.


  • To my darling Zoe, I love you more and more each day and miss you so much. I hope you are happy that Gemma and Jai have got engaged, I wish you could share each moment of everyday with us, life is so unfair and so incomplete without you, you are a wonderful daughter.


  • I know you are proud and happy for Gemma and Jai to be enagaged. If only you was here it would be that much more speical to them and your mum. We all miss you so so much and i know no matter how many times i wish it. You can’t be here for just 1 more day so every one could tell you they love you. and for me to have just 1 last kiss with you and say i love you! xxxx i love you Zoe xxxx

  • I know you will be proud and happy for Gemma and Jai on them been engaged.It would be ,more special for them if you was here to join them.I know i can’t have what i want and so many people want just to have 1 more day with you. Share 1 last kiss and tell you how muchyou mean to me and tht I love you! I LOVE YOU ZOE with all my heart James xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • You are on my mind and in my heart more and more each day sweetheart; they say time is a great healer, but I just miss you more and more each day. Each day is another day without you and the longer it is since I was last able to hold you in my arms and give you comfort when you needed it the harder it becomes. One day my darling we will all be togehter again. It makes me so angry that you have been cheated out of what would have been a wonderful life, you are such a caring and intelligent person and you had such a bright future ahead of you that the whole world is missing out.
    I love you so much sweetheart.
    mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Hi Sweetheart,
    Karen and Malcolm will be over from South Africa soon, last time they were here we were all together, you, me, Gemma, grandma and granddad, this time it will just be Gemma, grandma and me; we all miss you and granddad so much. We should have been taking a trip back to South Africa when you had finished your treatment but one day my darling when we meet again, we can talk about the holiday we had there and maybe even visit again in our own way, perhaps you and granddad have already been. I know that granddad will be looking after you and that you will be looking after him, but I wish that I was the one being able to laugh with you and enjoy your company. One day sweetheart, one day we will all meet again.
    Love you lots and lots darling.
    mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Another birthday tomorrow darling and another one we have to spend without you. You would have been 19 and should have been having the time of your life. I miss you so much sweetheart and hope that you know just how much I love you. Life is so unfair but I know that you are with your granddad and he will spoil you on your birthday.
    Happy Birthday for tomorrow my Angel.
    I love you so much.
    All my love, mum

  • Happy Birthday angel.Shame ur not here to spend it with all the people who love you. I know u will be around today and making us all smile. With al my love James. p.s i love you xxxxxxxxx

  • I really miss you so mush sweetheart, your birthday last week was a really difficult day for me. Gemma will be 21 tomorrow and you’re not here to help her celebrate; she was so pleased that you made it to her 18th even through you were ill; it’s so unfair that your not here now and well again. We all miss you and love you so much darling.

  • To my darling Zoe, I love you so much sweetheart, why can’t you be here with us to enjoy each day. I know that your granddad will be looking after you and that you will be looking after him but I miss you both so much.
    All my love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much sweetheart and some days the feelings of lonliness without you are so difficult to bear.
    I wish we could go on holiday together even if it was just to the caravan (we spent some happy times there didn’t we sweetheart even though you were ill).
    I feel like crying every day, but crying won’t bring you back and I don’t know what to do, I only know how much I love you and I hope you know that too. My heart has been broken darling and life will never ever be the same without you; you should be here with me and Gemma to enjoy life.
    All my love

  • People say that time heals all wounds, but as time goes by without you darling, the feelings of lonliness just get worse. I miss you so much Zoe.
    All my love
    Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I love you so much Zoe, I just want to hold you tight and make everything alright again.
    Life is like a bad dream I wish I could wake up from then you would be back here with us. Always stay close to me angel, I miss you darling.

  • Life with out you is like a tree with out leaves its cold,bare and lonely with you i was’nt any of them now i feel like i am. I miss you so much angel and its only gettin harder. i wish you was here and we could laff and have fun like we did. Take care angel and i’ll always love you xxxxxxx James p.s i love you xxxxxx

  • I miss you son much sweetheart, I try to get on with my life, but it is so difficult when such a big part is missing. I ask myself everyday WHY?, why did this happen to you? It makes me so angry when I remember how brave you were throughout all your treatment, you never complained, you just faced everything head on. My heart has been broken and I want to cry all of the time, but I know that crying will not bring you back. I just want to cuddle you sweetheart and tell you how much I love you. Please watch over us darling until we can meet again.
    mum xxxxxxxxxx

  • Well darling, you probably know already, but they gave out the award at the army cadets last Friday in your memory, I am so glad that they are remembering you but it was so hard watching all the other cadets and you not being there.
    I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas again, another one without you, nothing is the same anymore, without your smile and your laughter; we all miss you so much sweetheart.
    Lots of Love Mum

  • It creeps up on us now and we don’t want it to be christmas again without you been here. There is no fun or joy in it anymore just another day to get by. If only we could have you back. We all love you Zoe just wish we had more time. I love you Zoe and always will xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Another Christmas without darling, it’s so difficult when everyone wants to celebrate and we just want to hide away because we miss you so much.
    Not a day goes by sweetheart when I don’t think about you, but Christmas is even more difficult than most days; you used to love it so much; now we have to face it with you and your beautiful smile.
    I wish I could just hug you so tight and tell you how much I love you.
    I love you so much darling.

  • Another year has passed by darling, I can’t believe it’s two years today since I held you in my arms and we said goodbye, but it’s not goodbye forever sweetheart because I know we will be together again one day.
    I miss you so much darling, some days two years seems like an eternity, other days it feels like no time at all has passed by, all I know is that the pain of missing you still hurts just as much. We are two years further away from you sweetheart, but we are also two years closer to being with you again, I know that you and granddad will be together and that you will be looking after each other.
    Please stay close to us sweetheart.
    I love you so much my angel.
    All my love forever.

  • It only seems 5 mintues from the last time i saw you. How fast it has been but the pain is as fresh as it was. We all want you back but struggle to knowing we can’t have you back. I miss my best friend and the one person i love and thats you angel. i will always love Zoe xxxxxx
    James xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    p.s i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much darling, everything I do reminds me of you and how much I miss you and everyday is another challenge. It’s so difficult at the moment; I’m sure that you know Gemma is planning her wedding to Jai and we are both finding it really hard because she doesn’t have her sister here to share things and give her advice and of course be her chief bridesmad. Granddad too should be here as he would be giving Gemma away.
    We all miss you so much sweetheart; please stay close to us.
    All my love,

  • Hi Helen you don’t know me, but my name is Sonia and I am Alice Bullock’s mum.I also lost my 18 year old daughter to this horrific cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma, on 27th Nov 2008, after a 2 and half year battle. There are many films of her journey on this amazing web site. There are so few of us around who have faced this particular cancer, so I would really love to make contact with you. Every day since Ali’s death, seems to get harder. I feel only another mother can really understand the pain that comes with such a loss. My email address is Take care x

  • I keep looking at your photographs at home sweetheart and wishing we could take more and more. I sit wonder how you would look now and how long your hair would have been, but you always looked beautiful darling with long hair or short hair and even when you lost your hair, everyone used to say how stunning you were and they were right. I miss you so much sweetheart and there are times when life seems so empty and unbearable without you, I hope and pray love that you will be near me all the time until we can be together again, all I can think of is why did it have to be you? You were always so brave and fought so hard, why then did this desease have to take you away from us and why did you get ill at all; life is so unfair sweetheart and I just wish you could be here with me now.
    I love you so much Zoe.

  • I love you so much sweetheart and I miss you so much, I miss our chats, our hugs, the jokes and the laughter we shared, I miss your smile, your loving nature and your warm and caring ways.
    I just hope you know just how much you were and are loved. My beautiful Angel

    All my love.

  • Another Mother’s Day has come and gone darling and I miss you so much. Days like Mother’s Day are even harder than other days; I should be able to have you with me to enjoy the day together and have lots of hugs. Gemma misses you too sweetheart, she always puts your name in the card as well; she misses being able to go shopping with you and doing sisterly things. You are always in or hearts darling, we miss you so much and love you so much. Stay close.
    Lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • People don’t realise how difficult life is without you sweetheart, as time goes by, they think it gets easier, but I only miss you more and more every day that passes by. I wish that you were here to share the everyday small events with us as well as the bigger events. Out world is a much lonelier place without you and the brightness and happiness that you brought into our lives is missed so much. I miss your smile and your giggles, your sense of humour and fun and your courage and strength, I am so proud of you darling, I love you so much, I wish I could just give you the biggest hug ever, your are my angel, my little chicken. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DARLING.

  • All I can say chicken is that I love you so much and I miss you so much. You are a wonderful daughter and all I want is to be able to hug you.
    Love You Sweetheart.

  • I’m missing you so much sweetheart, the weather is so warm and sunny and you should be here and back to full health to be able to enjoy it with us. We could have so much fun and laughter together; I love you darling.


  • Hi angel, lifes not so easy with out you, i keep screwing upwithout ur wisdom. i wish i could turn back time and have you here. I miss your hugs, talking about daft things and most of all your tender kiss that could make any of my problems melt away. I’ll be thinking off you on camp when we should be together enjoying ourselfs. I love you angel and always will. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Happy Birthday sweetheart.
    I miss you more and more everyday; every birthday is harder than the last one. I hope you and granddad have lots of fun today.
    All my love mum

  • Happy Birthday, Zoe. Missing you loads. I know you’re keeping track of us and you know a lot of big stuff is happening in my life just now. I really wish you were here to share it with. It would be worth millions to me just to be able to ask you something as silly as your opinion of my new wallpaper.

    Anyway, 20, you’re practically ancient now, like me. Still, I know you won’t have changed any. You’ll always be you.

    Loads of love, hugs and badgers



  • It’s your sister’s wedding day today and we will both be missing you very much, I know you will be with us in your own way, we love you so much darling and we miss you every single day. Lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I know you and Granddad will be there today, but I still wish it was the kind of being there where I could actually give you a hug. Love you loads, maid of honour.


    Your almost married sister

  • I know you’ll be there today, but i still wish it could be the kind of being there where I could give you a hug. Love you loads, maid of honour


    Your almost married sis

  • Hey angel been quite some time since i left u a message but, i keep on thinking about you. I wish i could have you here to help me on my bad days and to share in my good days.
    Your mum says hello and will be on soon to leave her thoughts for you.

    love you Zoe and always will xxxxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much sweetheart; every day without you makes me feel so lonely and so sad. It’s getting close to Christmas again and it’s so unfair that you are not here to share it with us; I only have one Christmas wish and I know I cannot have it but one day sweetheart I will be with you again and I will give you the biggest hug ever; I love you so much darling.

    Lots and Lots of Love

  • Another Christmas without you sweetheart; they say time is a great healer but it only seems to get more difficult every year; what I have to remember though is that another year further away from you is also another year closer to you; we will be together again one day sweetheart; please stay close to me, I miss you so much; I love you darling.

    Lots of Love

  • Happy Christmas angel lifes a lot harder with out you or your guidence, something i need a lot off. Watch over your mum and family they all miss you hunny and please watch other me and my friends. I love you Zoe and always will. xxxxxxx

  • Another year has gone by without you Zoe, I miss you more and more each day; people talk about their plans for the future and I just feel so angry and cheated; you should be here with us sweetheart and enjoying your life to the full. I know that you and granddad will be looking after each other; I hope that you are watching over us until we can come to be with you. I love you so much darling.

  • I look at your photograph every day Zoe and wonder what you would be doing now, I miss you so much sweetheart it doesn’t get any easier without you. We will all be together again one day
    I love you darling
    Lots of Love

  • Time will never heal whats missing in my life. We should be going out for a meal today and having fun. Today would be our day 5 years of me been daft and you leading me with the odd slap here and there. I miss you angel and only hope we can be together again one day. Happy anniversey angel. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • p.s i love you and always will xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much sweetheart, it’s 5 years since you started your treatment, you went through 2 years of chemo and radiotherapy without complaining and after everything you were still taken away from us. Life is so cruel you should be here enjoing your life, this year would be your graduation year and you would also have celebrated your 21st birthday, you didn’t even get to celebrate your 18th, there are some wicked people in the world so why did it have to be someone like you who was taken away, my little angel, my chicken my sweetheart.

    I Love you so much darling.


  • Happy valentine angel i wish we could spend it together and just relax and have a meal. I miss you so much angel. i miss ur kisses and hugs. You are always on my mind and on the end of my lips with your sweet kiss. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I love you Zoe and always will. p.s i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Mother’s Day again without you darling; everyday is difficult without you but some days are more painful than others; I miss you so much Zoe.

    I love you sweetheart

    Love Mum


  • I just wanted to wish you a ‘Happy Easter’ darling and to say that I love you so much and miss you more and more every day.

    I love you sweetheart.

  • I Love you Darling, I miss you so much; I miss you more and more as each day goes by. Time is not a great healer it just makes the hurt and emptiness even harder to deal with.

    I hope you are watching over us all with your granddad and I hope you know how much you are loved.

    All My Love Darling

  • What an amazing girl, I am good friends with Zoe’s mother. I have never watched this before as it is so very sad knowing Zoe has died. Such a caring and thoughtful young woman. So sad x x

  • I keep trying to do whats right, and i could do with your gudince but i struggle. I miss my angeleyes and just want you back. I love you Zoe and always will. All my heart James xxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx

  • I miss you so much darling, I keep thinking that one day you will come home and it won’t really be true that your not here with us. I know you are watchinng us darling. You are always in my heart and in my mind, I wish I could change everything and bring you home, we could laugh and cry together and have lots of hugs, I am so proud of you darling and always will be, you are my little chicken and I miss you mor than any words could ever say.



  • I love you so much sweetheart and I’m missing you more than ever, the sun is shining but it only makes things worse, you should be here to enjoy the summer with us.

    Love you lots and lots darling.


  • Happy 21st Birthday to my beautiful girl; I miss you so much sweetheart, we should be having so much fun together today.

    I love you lots and lots my darling Zoe.

    Love Mum

  • Hey just thinking of you Angel just wish i could have a cuddle xxxxx Miss you Angel I love you and always will xxxxx

  • I miss you so much darling, Christmas is fast approachine and yet another one without you; I cry a lot because I miss you so much, why did this have to happen to you, you are a beautiful person so caring and so loving.
    We adopted a giraffe at the zoo for you on your birthday I hope you are happy about it, how I wish we could go back to the zoo together and do a lot of the things we used to do and just spend time together – you are my beautiful girl, so brave, so strong, so caring please stay close to me darling – I LOVE YOU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MUM XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • Another Christmas without you sweetheart and I miss you more than ever, each Christmas is more difficult than the last, you should be here to celebrate with us. Gemma and I have put some red, gold and green ribbons on your cherry tree for you I hope you like them. Grandma says she hopes you and granddad are looking after each other and sends you both a big hug and a big kiss. I miss you so much darling you are my brave and beautiful girl.


  • I miss you darling and I love you so much, I think about you every day and wonder why you had to get ill, it really is not fair or right that someone so gentle should have to go through what you did; you were always so very brave Zoe, I miss our jokes and our fun and laughter and I miss being able to give you hugs; I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART.

  • I miss you so much Zoe, time does not make it easier; I love you so much sweetheart; I wish I could hold you tight, make the past go away and have you here with us enjoying life; I cannot understand why it had to be you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DARLING XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • Happy Birthday Zoe,
    I miss you so much sweetheart and even though the time goes by the milestones don’t get any easier and the hurt does not get less;
    we should be having fun today and sharing a laugh and having lots of hugs.
    Grandma says Happy Birthday and says stay close to granddad.
    I love you so much darling

  • Another Christmas without you here sweetheart, you loved Christmas so much, you loved to give people presents and make them happy.
    Christmas is a time for family and we do not have you here with us, how I would love to wake up this morning and wish you a merry Christmas and give you a big hug.

    Happy Christmas Darling
    I miss you so much.
    I love you

  • To my brave and beautiful Zoe, how can 5 years seem like only yesterday and also feel like a lifetime ago.
    I miss you everyday my angel, one day we will be together again, I love you so much, I miss our chats, our hugs, the sound of your laughter, your smile; your are my beautiful girl.

    Love you so much Zoe


  • What you could be doing right now and the potential you had to offer everyone after been to uni. I can never stop loving you and I wish I had you here to help me over come my fears. Five years and it only seems we was speaking yesterday. I miss your kiss and I miss your understanding but I miss you for been you. So caring yet laid back, so understanding yet so fun. My girlfriend but yet my bestfrien. I love you Zoe xxxxxxxx love James xxxxxx

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