With exams just round the corner and radiotherapy about to begin, Alice is feeling the strain of having to deal with both school and treatment whilst still battling with the demon crutches! In her words, Alice explains how she could do with some “time out” to forget about things and relax without worrying about other complications. Walking has never seemed like such a luxury as Alice explains how important it is not to take it for granted and longs for the use of her legs once more. After a period of feeling down, Alice perks up after a very successful weekend of walking without crutches and despite it being a long process, is determined to be running around as soon as possible! As the foot in question is beginning to heal nicely, Alice takes the time to show us where the operation took place…a process which still makes her go a bit funny when she has to look at it for too long! In preparation for radiotherapy, Alice takes a trip to the hospital where a mould of her leg is taken, followed up by a heavy tattooing session…unfortunately for radiotherapy purposes only!

Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.

  • It takes a certain person to climb out of this black hole and through the other side. I saw this 24/7, for a very long time. I am so proud to be Ali’s mum. She will be an inspiration forever. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Haven’t watched this film in a while Ali but it takes me back to then as if it were yesterday. Can’t put into words how much I miss you. Wish so much you were here but take some comfort in all the lives you enriched…love you forever and more xxxxxxx

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