It’s nearly two years to the day since Alice was first diagnosed and although she finds herself in a similar situation treatment wise, she is more determined than ever. As radiotherapy on her head does its job, Alice’s hair begins to fall out until she can’t bear the itch any longer and gets it all shaved off. Race for life day arrives as Alice and her mum proudly walk the walk for Rhabdo and successfully reach the finish line, an achievement in itself! Pain in Alice’s back causes concern until a series of scans reveal the underlying problem- a tumour in her spine and frustratingly, it’s back in her bone marrow once more. Never one to stay down for long, Alice isn’t looking forward to more chemo, but is eager to start treatment and start fighting again. As Alice talks us through her treatment plan, she explains how frustrated and shocked she feels at the thought of the cancer being back in her bone marrow and can’t understand why it keeps coming back. Instead of a Hickman line, this time round Alice has a portacath fitted in preparation for chemo and starts to get ready for her time in hospital, which surprisingly Alice is looking forward to, mainly so she can get it done and get on with her life once more.

Please visit for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.

  • Stay strong Alice, you can do this! You’re so brave and you should be proud of yourself for dealing so well, you’re an inspiration xxx

  • Silly little boxes and silly muse 😛

    Well done again Alice.
    Youre doing so well!!
    Hope to see you soon. 😀


  • love you alice,

    your doing so well,
    and your films are brilliant

    you are amazing and im so proud of you.

    i can see us going to gigs for many years to come yet.

    when we are old, we will still be going to aiden gigs lol

    love you xxxxx

  • Alice, I started watchng your films this time last year when i was having chemo, and i cant explain how much they helped me.. im eternally grateful for that! thnk you.
    you are truley, an amazing person and the positive attitude you have will make all the difference.. and forget those studid boxes!! your right.. 🙂

    please stay strong.. you’l be just fine 🙂

    Joanne.. x

  • Alice, you may not remember us but your Mum will.We knew you when you lived in Doveridge and I was very friendly with your Mum, though sadly we’ve lost touch. You used to play with my daughter Rebecca.
    Anyway I only found out about all you’ve been going through quite recently and have since watched your totally inspirational films. I’m so sorry you are having to go through all of this. You seem to be quite a remarkable girl and a lovely girl and your Mum and Dad must be so proud of you. You are also a very talented film-maker and I’m sure you will be famous one day.
    Congratulations on having such tremendous courage and being such an inspiration to others. I hope and pray that things get better for you. You really deserve a break.
    Please say Hi to your Mum and Dad from me. Your Mum was always made of strong stuff and I’m sure you are proud of her too! I would love to hear from her again.
    I will keep watching and hoping for the best and will comment again soon.
    Very best wishes
    Fiona Kelly (Brian, Fiona, Rebecca, James and Louisa)

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