It’s David Passfield…interviewing David Passfield as he reveals his split persona and shares his experience of being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (in both clay and human form). With his interview glasses on and questions at the ready, we hear all about David’s diagnosis and consequent treatment, due to finish in October, and how he feels about nearing the end of a hugely impacting time in his life.

  • Lmao! The introduction of the video was really funny.
    I feel exactly the same about my diagnosis of ALL, i don’t know what will happen when i finish my maintenance! I think i’ll just feel lost without my fortnightly visits to the hospital! But for now im just focusing on college and making new friends in my AS level year because all my old friends are now in the upper A level year. I think with regards to maintenance we will find out more when we cross that hurdle, I doubt they’ll just throw us out into the big bad world without any information :P.
    Anyway good luck with your maintenance and college! Update us when you finish your maintenace i want to know what it’s like :D.
    Oh and i think im in love your with your mother.

  • Woooo Hooo! The animation king rocks and rules! The Hub is behind you all the way to the finishing line and beyond xxxx

  • Divado 😀
    Dude!! You make me laugh! xD
    But seriously Divado 😀 Your Amazing xx
    And I’m here for you forever lovely 😀
    Love Faybulous (former Sidekick now Co-Ruler) 😛
    PS The clay divado is awesome 😀

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