Here we see Peter show a more serious side to himself in an open and honest film about his upcoming operation – a chest operation to remove his “moobs” after having putting so much weight on with steroid treatment before chemotherapy. Peter talks about how having lots of side effects have a vast impact on daily life and how in having this operation – a decision which he found difficult to decide, he is hopeful he will begin to feel more manly and more comfortable with his own body image.

  • Well done dude, you’re so brave, not only to have had the op but to make a film about something so sensitive and share it with everyone too, proper MINT 🙂 x

  • Great Peter! Well done for sharing. Looking forward to part II, although I already know what a great job they did!:)
    Lol@you high on morphine:) x

  • Excellent vid. Really well done for sharing – I’m sure it will really help others in your position. Have a fabulous 2011.

  • Aww you are an inspiration Pete to everyone, i think your soo brave with everything you and Debs have gone through. You and debs are fantastic 🙂 see you both soon xxx

  • Is it really naive of me to think that once you’ve recovered from cancer, you’re recovered and thats that…yes!!

    Wow, all of the after effects you have to live with now; I don’t think having that operation was being vain, it was to retain a little bit of normality – but not to return to the old Peter, to develop the new Peter 🙂

    Well done both of you

  • Hi Peter. Followed your films from The Original Peter Show!!
    You are a marvelous inspiration and wish you a speedy recovery from your latest operation. x

  • love this film, listened to your talk in centre parcs this year, and your such an inspiration. i get fed up on times because of the things i cant do because i had CNS Lymphoma, and hearing you talking about your back problems and that you cant drive and your feet, really encourages me, from watching this i can see that things will get better even if things wont be the same as before cancer. thanks

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