We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
2014’s One Week in Cancer kicks off at Teenage Cancer Trust’s Find your sense of Tumour Conference. This is the first of 7 films which throughout one week, follows 20 young people through different stages of their cancer journeys, whether during […]
Brain tumour patient Peter talks about how his body image issues have affected him throughout his life including through his cancer diagnosis. Peter talks honestly about how he’s tried to take control of food as he feels like he can’t control other […]
Filmed as part of jimmyteens.tv media training programme. This film highlights the issues surrounding mental health as David, Thomas and Wen share their experiences.
After treatment for a brain tumour left Ryan in a wheelchair, he had to get his life back together. With help from his family and friends he did just that, qualifying as a personal trainer and finding a job on […]
Sheffield Children’s Hospital ex-patient Andrew talks about life after a cancer diagnosis and how the power of saying “Yes” has lead him onto some amazing things!
We hear from Sheffield patients Ethan, Alex, Jake and Jordan who tell us what it’s like to go to one of Teenage Cancer Trust’s Royal Albert Hall gigs.
At aged 11, Rachel was diagnosed with a brain tumour, Rachel talks about how the support of her family and friends really helped her. Rachel explains how “Gertrude – The Brain Tumour” went away, but recently “Gertrude” has reappeared but […]
We asked our filmmakers how does cancer impact on your relationships with past, present and potential partners.
Shona, Caroline and patient Jacob talk about all things to do with sexuality and how it might change once you’ve had cancer.
Gemma talks about how her cancer has changed her physical appearance. Gemma talks about how it was the hair loss side of chemotherapy that she really struggled with.
Filmed as part of JTV Cancer Support’s One Week In Cancer 2014. Daniel talks about how a recent follow-up appointment discovered a secondary tumour on his lung. Daniel discusses how he has always feared the cancer returning and talks about […]
Gemma is back and this time talking about the impact her cancer diagnosis has had on her relationships with friends and family.
Filmed as part of JTV Cancer Support’s One Week In Cancer 2014. Daniel was 16 years old when he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma after originally receiving a diagnosis of growing pains from his GP. Daniel talks about the lead up […]
Gemma talks about her experiences of trying to start a new relationship and also discusses the predicaments of having children.
Filmed in February 2014. Peter FINALLY starts chemotherapy, something of which he’s been anxious to start. We hear how the first cycle of chemotherapy is going and how Peter forgot how much chemotherapy can wipe you out but Peter being Peter […]