All films related to Cerebellar Mutism. You may find this website helpful www.posteriorfossasociety.org
All films related to Cerebellar Mutism. You may find this website helpful www.posteriorfossasociety.org
The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust has launched its ’12 Years, 12 Stories’ video series with the help of Tom Roberts, 22, from Ripley, Derby, a budding videographer who has sailed with the Trust as both a young person with cancer […]
Stephanie, Lily and Ella instantly connected when they met on their Trust trip. They learned new skills, made lots of friends and most importantly had fun. Interested in coming on a Trust trip? Find out more here. Emmie was diagnosed […]
Positivity and optimism is the best cure to the loneliness and isolation young people feel after treatment. As the young people explain in this video a weight is lifted off your shoulders by being around people who understand. The support […]
For many young people, picking up from where they left off before cancer just isn’t possible. So, when treatment ends our work begins. We support young people aged 8-17 and 18-24(ish) to rebuild confidence through sailing and adventure.
The My Voice Vlog Series is an opportunity to share what’s on your mind. The community is here to listen. You can talk about anything at all relating to your experience and your perspective. Email hello@teencanceramerica.org or upload your own […]
There are a lot of different approaches that healthcare professionals take to address their AYA patients, but here are some of the most common issues that AYAs have with the way healthcare professionals talk to AYAs Teen Cancer America partners […]
C101 and C102 are a series of films to use as a teaching aid.
Daniel missed a year of school, and therefore missed a lot of his social life. People at his school didn’t understand what he was experiencing, and he lost a lot of his friends. He didn’t have time to process growing […]
Oxford Radiotherapy Information film explaining, how radiotherapy works, why you might need it, what to expect. and how to manage any side effects. Created with collaboration between patients and staff from the Teenage & Young Adult team at Oxford University […]
Ever wondered about the science of chemotherapy drugs? Wondered why they use the drugs that they do? How did they find out it might help kill cancer? Well…the wait is over as JTV Cancer Support we will be posting a […]
Filmed at Find Your Sense of Tumour Over 18s 2017 at The Hilton St. Georges Park.