What is one week in cancer like for you?
We want ANY young person who has been affected by cancer to get involved, whether you are a young cancer patient currently receiving treatment, a young cancer patient off of treatment or even a cancer patient’s sibling/friend to film their week!
So we’re calling for all current, past and future filmmakers to take the camera for one week to film daily updates on what you are up to. We want to know how you are feeling on your treatment, your thoughts on upcoming hospital appointments, the impact of returning to education and work life!
Basically how does cancer impact on your day to day life!
We are wanting a snapshot of your life, so get creative, get involved…Filming is easy! All you need is your smartphone and internet access to upload your footage!
If you would like more information either come talk to us at Find Your Sense of Tumour (14th – 17th November 2014) or please email us info@jtvcancersupport.com
To get inspired and see last years One Week In Cancer please click here.