Time to catch up with Luned who tells us about how far she has come on since her operation on her leg, from being unable to walk unaided, Luned now can walk without the need of any walking aids. We […]
Time to catch up with Luned who tells us about how far she has come on since her operation on her leg, from being unable to walk unaided, Luned now can walk without the need of any walking aids. We […]
Youthhealthtalk.org features over 200 clips from interviews with young people talking about their experiences of cancer. All interviews are by Oxford University and aim to cover everything that young people with cancer go through; from early symptoms to treatment, recovery and […]
It’s David Passfield…interviewing David Passfield as he reveals his split persona and shares his experience of being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (in both clay and human form). With his interview glasses on and questions at the ready, we hear […]
Eamon talks about his testicular cancer, and how he avoided going to the doctor for some time due to embarrassment and dis-belief.
17 year old Josephine is on her 4th week of chemo after diagnosis of Osteosarcoma.
Some thoughts on treatment options when removing parts of bone. With Zara Free, Lucie Carrington, and Anneke Edwick.
Libby takes us through her diagnosis and treatment of leukemia with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant from an un-related donor. There’s some great advice on school, jobs and friends.
Zara talks us through her experiences after being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia at 14.
In this film, Lucie explains what life was like for her during and after her chemo.