Filmed and edited by Wen through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. It’s an early start for Wen as she’s heading to London for the Paralympics. Back home Wen explains how protective she is with money due to the fact that when […]
Filmed and edited by Wen through jimmyteens.tv media training programme. It’s an early start for Wen as she’s heading to London for the Paralympics. Back home Wen explains how protective she is with money due to the fact that when […]
Excerpt from Chasing Rainbows: Young Adults Living With Cancer, an upbeat documentary film featuring 6 young people who are “living life while fighting for it.” For more info, visit the Chasing Rainbows channel on jimmyteens.tv or www.chasingrainbowsproduction.com.
Danielle had two young children when she had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma treatment on an adult chemotherapy day unit.
Craig was treated on a children’s unit for a brain tumour at age 20, until he transferred to an adult unit nearer home.
A selection of young people take to the stage to discuss and inform members of the conference of TCT’s new campaign for change- a scheme that will see the opening of many more new TCT units across the country. Talking […]
Part 4 of Claire’s video blog finds her on the second day of her Youth Work course, explaining how strange it feels to be studying again after being away from it for a year and a half…and having to complete […]
Race for life day has finally arrived and team Bonnie are out in full force and raring to go! With their legs stretched and their trainers on both feet, the 5k race begins with Bonnie at the front leading the […]
In Bonnie’s latest video diary, we get an update on how treatment is going and she explains how she is trying to keep busy doing, in her words, “normal stuff” between chemotherapy. It’s all fun and games as she shows […]