It’s a busy time for Alice as she prepares for various up and coming events, including a charity ball, in aid of her cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma. Chemo is delayed so Alice can complete her packed social diary and feel in good […]
It’s a busy time for Alice as she prepares for various up and coming events, including a charity ball, in aid of her cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma. Chemo is delayed so Alice can complete her packed social diary and feel in good […]
Richard lets us know how he is getting since his previous film, with his experiences of re-diagnosis, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
Diagnosed with Leukemia, Thomas gives us a very personal account of his beliefs, and how he coped with the diagnosis after being told there was no cure; obtaining drugs previously not available on the NHS.
Joesephine gives us an update on her progress including plans for a major operation. Her step dad raises £2000 for the TCT and YPU unit by riding a 50cc moped 200 miles with sponsors guessing how long it will take.
17 year old Josephine is on her 4th week of chemo after diagnosis of Osteosarcoma.
Some thoughts on treatment options when removing parts of bone. With Zara Free, Lucie Carrington, and Anneke Edwick.
Alice gives us an update on her progress including a few issues with her Hickman Line. And exams are looming. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
As well as having her tenth and final chemo (kind of), Alice has quite a social schedule booked. Please visit www.chrislucastrust.com for more info on Rhabdomyosarcoma.
Anneka talks about diagnosis at 18 and the difficulties she, and her family, faced.
A discussion on some of the lesser mentioned issues surrounding cancer, like sperm banking.
At the end of 2006 Carol was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her right shoulder.
Cancer is nothing new to Katie as she has recovered from it twice already, proving that she’s a fighter.