Cancer is nothing new to Katie as she has recovered from it twice already, proving that she’s a fighter.

  • A touching story , which im sure will have a happy ending for a very brave beautiful & sweet girl ,who has bin thru the mill ..( more than once)so hang in there k8t luv miff x

  • Now then looking hot kt on that video, i hope u know ur putting my looks down then when ur next to me, i cant compete with those looks. Video has turned out wicked, added bonus of me ha ha, only joking u have done a wicked job with it hun, a natural in front of the screne. Now me well very shy boy, didnt know what to say. Looking gorgeous as always hun, take care, loads of love andy xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • hey kt, this video is a testement to your strength and perseverance.. the fact that you decided to film the entire ordeal shows what a character you are.. I can honestly say from everyone that knows you (even if just for a little while), your the bravest person we have met.. and hope that you come through this, as you have the last two times.. leo x.

  • Hey katie you’re a brave girl, great video, showing everyone your journey shows how strong you are about this, i hope everything turns out well. Love Hol x

  • What a fantastic video. This video shows what a fighter you really are. You are so beautiful and brave and make us really proud. We will always be here for you and look forward to some good times ahead. Keep fighting babe. Love you always M & D

  • Just watched the video with my mum and was very touched. What an amazing and strong girl you are Katie and because of this you are able to fight it. Im with you all the way, keep having fun and keep the big smile going. Lots of love Laura C x x x

  • An inspiring video Bush, your one tough little cookie, our brave special niece, just you keep on fighting darling your always in our thoughts love ya to bits Uncle Patty and Auntie Yvonne xxx.

  • Dear Bush we like your video very much. We now understand what u are going through it has helped us alot. Like the music it’s very catchy. we think your very brave and look up to you love u very much from Patrick and James xxxxxxx p.s. your a star so keep on shining.

  • I’m so proud of you honey! Never ever change, how you’ve handled everything that’s been thrown at you I’ll never know. You’re my inspiration, love you loads, kathryn

  • Hi Ya Darlin,just watched your video.I think you are a very special young lady , hope the next round of treatment goes well.We all miss your happy,smillie face at work,you are a joy to work with,some how you always manage to cheer us up if we are down.So i send all my love and best wishes.Hang in there Darlin Luv ya loads.Linda xxx

  • A brilliant video you are so brave and look so beautiful you are an inspiration to other cancer sufferers,Hope everything goes well you really deserve the best of luck keep having fun you have a lot of good friends who care about you.Love Sue (ex cooplands)

  • Good to see your such a fighter kt hun, always staying positive and never losing your big smile. Your such a brave person doing such a moving video. Always soo proud of you. Keep fighting hun. Thinking of you always love Helena xxx big hugs

  • Hi katie what a star you shine in everything you do and Iam so proud to have you as my friend keep smiling what an inspiration you are to us all lots of special love as always andrea xx

  • Hey hun just seen this. You are so brave and we all love you so much. This video is an inspiration for everyone and for all of us as well. You have handled yourself better than anyone could ever imagined in this situation . Keep smiling you deserve all the best in life and i hope everything turns out for the best. Love you loads and loads Beth xxxxx

  • Katie, what a great way for us all to see what u have been going through and how strong u are, u are so brave, we are all so very proud of you and i am so glad i have u as my friend. love u and miss u lots, cu soon darl. clo xxxxxxx

  • I realise we dont speak anymore but once we were friends so maybe this counts a teeny bit: Your diary has reached Bristol and i feel it necessary to say something; That people like you deserve respect, you have mine. Charl Dyer (bezzy mate in year 2)

  • Hey up Chick just watched the vid its a bloody long one!It suprises me how u can smile so much its fantastic to see!You know we all are thinking about you all the time and hope to see you soon!Take care darl!Love from Craig
    p.s Dont forget,keep eating the sausage rolls and keiches’! haha ;-P

  • The video is superb. All very positive – never a hint of ‘why me again’.What an ispiration young lady you are. Stay positive, keep smiling, never give up. Heaps of Love and very best wishes for the future.

  • Hey Katie, loved the video, its good to see how youve been coping. Your amazin, keep fighting. love ya loads, em xxxxxxxxxx

  • Hiya Katie. I just love watching you in this, means I can have you with me when I want! We can finally see what you go through all the time because you seem to keep things to yourself a lot which I hope you don’t feel you need to do, we are all here for you and to share it with you. We definitely need a girly weekend away or a holiday when you are well enough. See you soon, love you so much, Rachel x x x

  • Good luck with your treatment you are very brave.
    Lots of love from Pauline (Andrea’s sister)xx

  • Hiya Katie, I have just watched your video. What a very touching story to watch what you have gone through. Im so proud of you katie, I know at times has been hard for you but that video has shown that you can still have fun. I miss you so much hun, always here for you2, i always will be.Keep smilling! love you millions. love katie xxxx

  • Hey, really good video!Good look with your treatments. God can’t believe how happy and smiley you are in it!Nice to see your coping well. Good luck and stay as positive as you are!
    James (Macca)

  • just watched the video,you did well,keep it up everyones thinking you, you, uncle paul and auntie debs xx

  • just watched the video agian, it was very good, you are remarkable, love you loads and loads, keep your chin up high love lottie walker

  • hi just watched the video again ithink is great how brave you are.u r remarkable love you loads and loads.keep your chin up love lottie walker xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • x Katie-Sue x what can i say apart from what an amazing thing to show to everyone to show them how well you really are coping.i am so proud to have you as my best friend. Even when times are tough u fight it, and carrying on fighting babe.your so brave and beautiful an amazing inspiration. Love you 4ever n always x x x x x x

  • I am a cancer patient it started off with oviarian cancer when i was 16 and since then its spread to my hip and my liver,I am now 22. Ive been sick for nearly 2 years.Ive had radiation therapy and still on chemo.Im in hospital most times and dont have much contact with my family due to infection as ive also had a stroke and got a rare heart condition. I just want to say that i admire you so very much with all you gone through and picked yourself up. I wish you all the best for the future. People like yourself gives me strength to battle on, thank you

  • Just seen the very sad announcement of katie’s death in the paper. I didn’t know her but I have seen her video and felt i had to write something. Her family must be so proud of her. I have tears rolling down my face thinking about her and the fight she put up. God bless her and all the other young cancer sufferers.

  • I read katie in the bridlington free press. her story is very touching on the video. my father died with 5 cancers i think she i one hell of an insperation GOD BLESS HER AND HER FAMILY LOVE MATTHEW C XX

  • to katies mum and dad and nan and grandad you should be so proud to have a daughter and grand daughter who faught such a battle, and was a true star to the end, memories will never fade, and on a night when you look in the sky and you see the brightest star in the sky you’ll know its katie and feel peace in your hearts. love to you all from melanie xxx

  • When i heard about the death of Katie i was devastated. You were such an isperation to everyone. Your going to be really missed. God has another brave angel living with him. We will never forget you. Love you always antie cathy uncle dave and cousin jordan

  • Katie youre truely an inspiration youve touched the lives of so many I am honoured to have known you am so sorry I didnt get to say goodbye my heart goes to your family! You’ll never be forgotten! xxxxxxxxxx

  • hiya, im totally shocked to hear about Katie’s death… she used to be my brothers girlfriend. I remember her so well and she sounds like such a brave girl. It brought tears to my eyes watching the video, she was really beautiful… all my love goes to her family and friends

  • Katie. Goodnight my angel. i will miss your laugh and your smile. you always made me laugh even when you were really ill. may you rest in peace. all my love always and forever love from Auntie Catherine xxx

  • i have just read the news of katies death in the paper i didn’t know her but i have watched the video of her . What a beautiful girl, another angel in the sky, my heart goes out to her family

  • Just a word for mum and dad, – what a wonderful girl. Yes we do question God’s presence at times like this and we can’t understand the reasons. Katie was God’s presence in the world, bringing his light and love to all of us. love Tom xxx

  • I have just watched the video after reading about Katie in the Free Press.
    I didnt know here, but she was obviously a very brave young lady and obviously had a lot of fight in her.
    I wish to send my sympathy to all her family and friends, i am thinking of you although i dont know you.
    Love Rach xxxxx

  • Devastated, cannot find the words to express our sadness. Our memories of your truely dignified life will be us for ever. God bless you.

  • today was katies funeral it was a tribute to her she was so special and will be sadly missed our sympathy is with katies family and friends she was truely an angel and she will never be forgotten xxxxxxxxxx good night god bless katie


  • AN APPOLOGY to everyone who took offence to my last posting 2/4/07 that was removed i appologise sincerely as i did not mean to cause offence. i also didn’t intend my comment as a advertisement,
    so please accept my appologies for any upset caused. melanie x

  • Katie will always be a special girl, someone who will truly be missed. She will always be in our hearts and we will never forget this brave young lady. An inspritation to all, who we learnt a lot from.
    You are always with us, god bless.
    Love Dean and Helenxxxxxx

  • katie will never be forgotten, a popular member in my form at school, still shocked that its happened, rest in peace katie

    chris xxx

  • What a great girl!Such an inspiration!When i think of Katie shes always smiling,im sure she still is…
    God bless you Katie,such a brave girl who could never be forgotton,my thoughts are with katies family and friends always,you must be so proud x

  • weve just watched your video and were always thinking of you.keep you lots uncle paul antie debbie danny charlotte ben and steven xXxXxXx

  • Just watched the video again…what can I say…so much courage for such a young lady.
    God Bless.

  • Just read about Katie’s story in a magazine and it moved me to tears, she seemed such a positive wonderful person and has made more impact in her short time here than many people make in a whole life time- her efforts are to be praised and never forgotten.Rest peacefully, xx

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