This is sixteen year old Amy Bowyer’s story, as we hear how a series of biopsies of a tumour behind her nose led to the diagnosis of Burkitt’s Lymphoma in July. Treated in Southampton Hospital, Amy explains how grateful she was to be looked after by such pleasant and positive staff and how this made a difference in helping her to get through it all. As well as telling her own story, Amy offers some sound advice to other teenagers, her main tip being not to worry too much or think too far ahead and despite the side effects of treatments, remain positive. Amy explains how hard it was to lose her hair, but after discovering the wonders of a top class celebrity hairdresser, recommends visiting Trevor Sorbie for a wig makeover! Moving on now and planning her ‘Make A Wish’ treat, Amy takes time to thank some of the people who made her journey a lot easier, including the CLIC Sargent team in Southampton and her friends and family, who were always at hand to put a smile on her face.

  • AWW!!!! AMY!! its well good! i love it!!
    aw! love you! always be there!!
    lauren xxxx
    you are a jeaudible baby! good times 😀 xxxx

    love you! x

  • I’m glad that you are all on your way to recovery, you seem really happy now which is good and you are an inspiration to others. I’m sure that the friends that supported you will be closer now than before. It’s really good to hear how well you seem to have coped and your wig looks really good and it looks so realistic. Hope this will be the end of the journey.

  • Im so proud of amy, she has been through so much since july.She has coped so well with losing her hair and with the other side affects.Ive never met some one so strong as amy!! and her video will give every one the confidence to get through there condition. i look up to amy so much because im not sure id be able to cope as well as she has, I love you very much amy!!!

  • amy i am so so proud of you! we have been through so much and i think we are now closer then we have ever been! we have known eachother 13 years this year and you are probably my one of my closest and most trustworthy friends. i know you havent had a good year at all last year but im glad i was there to support you, i really dont know how you did it! most of the time you were supporting me more then i was supporting you! thank you so much for taking me to the tct find your sense of tumour this year. it was soo inspirational listening to all the other peoples stories and such a good experience for us both! but im so glad its all over now and your hair looks amazing!:D love you amy!! XxXxXx

  • Thankyou so much for all the comments.

    A quick update on me:

    In october i was given the all clear after having another biopsy. I went back to work and college and my make a wish was arranged and i am soon going up to liverpool to meet the cast of Hollyoaks. I am really looking forward to it and i will let you know how it goes.

    Bye for now!



  • Amy! So very proud of you and the way you stayed positive throughout what you were going through! I’m glad i was there to support you, and i hope i supported you enough! I didn’t find it hard to talk to you about it at all because you were so comfortable with talking about what you were going through and everything. Your hair looks amazing and underneath its growing back really fast!

    You’re an inspiration to others and im sure your video will give others the confidence to talk about what they are going through themselves.I know myself and your other close friends who were there for you are so very proud of your positivity and confidence throughout your treatment, you still joked around and had a laugh with us!
    I’m so happy that you got through this and now your all better. I hope you have an amazing time meeting the cast of Hollyoaks, can’t wait to see all the pictures! 🙂
    Love you lots and lots, always there for you!

  • Amy!!!

    I lovee your videoo 😀

    Your a real inspiration to others and im sure it will make them feel alot more comfortable about what they are going through.

    Im so happy you got through everything:D

    AND you got to go to hollyoaks :O

    hehe 🙂

    Byeee xxx

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