Stacy was diagnosed at 21 years old with an aggressive primitive neuroectodermal tumour back in 2007 after months of visiting her GP with symptoms of passing blood and a large lump on her side. Stacy eventually requested an opinion from […]
Stacy was diagnosed at 21 years old with an aggressive primitive neuroectodermal tumour back in 2007 after months of visiting her GP with symptoms of passing blood and a large lump on her side. Stacy eventually requested an opinion from […]
Faye had to spend three days in isolation on Christie’s Young Oncology Unit, somewhere were she was used to seeing as an outpatient but not as an inpatient. Faye explains the difference between being treated on an adult ward to […]
Katie is back and a very tired Katie she is! Katie explains that she has been working and constantly on the go recently so she’s definitely feeling the strain. We hear about her upcoming travelling plans, her pesky backpack that […]
Months after her own Mum was diagnosed with cancer, April got the devastating news that she also had cancer after numerous visits to her GP who passed her headaches off as other conditions. April needed a shunt and surgery immediately […]
It’s time for a catch up with Steph who is all happy, happy, happy as she has now returned to university and started her maintenance treatment which balancing the two seems to be quite manageable for Steph. We hear how […]
February 26th 2004 will be a day Tom will forever remember, it was the day he found out he had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Stage 1a. At 18 years old he was just your typical student enjoying life and was in […]
We join Katie in part two where she talks about starting her new degree in Complimentary Therapy – Naturopathy. Katie goes onto say how vital she finds complimentary therapies especially after her diagnosis. Katie refers back to her previous university […]
In this first of two parts, Katie shares her experience of education and how having cancer has impacted on her education, including dealing with side effects of treatment, the impact of being a year behind her friends and how her […]
In this second instalment from Katie, we meet a selection of close friends that, collectively, have been of great support and a whole lot of fun during Katie’s treatment for cancer. Talking about their experiences together and how they discovered […]
Another chance to watch the first debate of many! This time education is on the agenda. Professionals and patients share their experiences on the matter. For advice on education – www.teenagecancertrust.org/what-we-do/education/
Katie takes us through the pain she was going through with her first chemo even though the medics claim it’s the ‘wonder drug’ poor Katie’s only pain free moments were in the hot bath! We meet Winnie the cat who […]
Here we are introduced to 25 year old Katie who was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia three and a half years ago. Before diagnosis Katie was just your typical student – working hard, partying hard until March 2006 when Katie […]